@doer object nothing

Any verb or fakeverb will

  1. linkto doer,
  2. linkto object,
  3. or linkto nothing.

A transitive verb either expresses its object or expresses its object; we can choose freely.

Grammar jargon for expresses its object is /karmaNi.

Grammar jargon for expresses its doer is /kartari.

Grammar jargon for expresses the action is /bhAve.

When a transitive verb expresses its object its referent is its object and the verb takes the /tiG that has the same number and person as the object. Such a verb is said to show the object. It takes bent endings.

When a verb expresses its doer its referent is its doer and the verb takes the /tiG that has the same number and person as the doer. Such a verb is said to show the doer, and can take either flat or bent endings.

When an intransitive verb expresses the action its /tiG is /ta. Such a verb is said to show nothing.