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Aruja ... AsiSyate

0 Aruj/a
breaking, destroying
1 Aruj/aA
breaker, destroyer, demolisher (ruj break up)
2 Aruj/atR
3 Arujya
crushed and
4 aruN/a
5 aruN/aA
6 arundhat/I
pn (of the wife of vaziSTha)
7 Aruroha
he climbed
8 Aruruh/e
he climbed
9 ArurukS/u
one that wants to climb
10 Ary/aA
noble, great (f);
sir, lady, your honor, you
11 Aryak/a
12 aryam/aN1
pn (of the Sun;
see inhanpUSAryamNAMzau)
13 Aryaputr/a
15 ArzyazRGg/i
16 As
ah! (sigh)
18 Asad/at
he approached, met
20 AsAdayA/mAsa
approached, went near, found, met
21 AsAday/ati
approaches, goes near, finds, meets
24 asAdhay/at
he strove (to obtain)
25 asAdhy/a
26 AsAdit/aA
reached, come to, encountered, found, met, experienced;
put down
27 AsAdya
went and;
overtook and
28 AsaGg/a
29 asaGg/a
detachment, lack of attachment
32 asajj/ata
it got stuck to (seventh)
33 asakRd
many times
34 Asakt/a
fastened to, attached to
35 Asaktum
to attach, to assign
36 AsAm
(f) of these (idam- + Am)
37 Asam
I was
39 asAmpratam
unfitly, improperly, now not being the right time
40 AsaMsAram
from the beginning of the world, since forever;
till the end of the world, forever
44 asaMzay/a
doubtless, has no doubts
45 Asan
they were, they became;
there were
46 Asan/aA
a seat;
a yoga posture
49 Asann/a
n proximity, nearness
50 asapatn/a
not shared
51 asAr/a
sapless, stale, weak, nonjuicy, useless, worthless
52 AsasAda
approached, went near, came to
53 asa/t
evil people, unreal things, what is not, untruth, unreality
54 Asate
they sit
55 asatkRt/a
57 asaty/a
false, uncertain
58 asau
that, he, it (adas- + su)
59 Asav/a
wine, liquor
60 as/i
m sword
you are
61 AsId
was, there was
62 AsId/ati
he goes near, meets (sad)
63 asiddh/aA
failed, not succeeded (opp. of siddha)
64 asiddh/i
66 AsIn/aA
seated, that was sitting (see IdAsaH)
67 AsIs
you were
68 AsiS/yate
he will sit


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