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adhyAtma ... aGgulIyaka

2 adhyAtm/a
3 adhyAvas/at
he dwelt
4 adhyAy/a
5 adhyayan/a
study (esp. recitation of the veda, one of the SaTkarmANi)
6 adhyAy/in
reciter, student
7 adhyeS/yate
he will study
10 Ad/i
(latter) etcetera
11 Adideza
appointed, assigned, ordered
12 Adik/a
(latter) etcetera, that starts at, and so on
13 adIn/a
not depressed, noble-minded
15 AdiST/a
directed, indicated, commanded, instructed, assigned
17 Adity/a
the Sun;
pn (of the Sun and some other gods, all descendants of aditi)
18 Adityavarm/aN3
19 adIvy/ata
he gambled
21 Adiz/at
he commanded, indicated, pointed
23 Adizy/ate
it is assigned, indicated, commanded
24 adrAkSam
I saw
25 adrAkSId
he saw
26 Adrav/at
he rushed towards
27 adrav/at
he ran
28 adrav/ata
he ran
31 adr/i
32 adrisAr/a
(stone-essence:) iron
33 Adriy/ate
he respects, regards with attention
35 AdRt/a
paid attention to
36 AdRtya
paying attention to (second)
38 adRzyant/I
39 adRzy/at
was visible (maybe yak + tip, which is bad grammar)
40 adRzy/ata
it was seen
43 adya
44 Ady/aA
first, initial;
principal, main;
predecessor, the earlier one
46 Agacchant/I
(that was) coming
47 Agacch/at
he came
48 agacch/at
he went
49 agacch/ata
he went (ArSam for agacchat, or misprint)
50 Agacch/ati
he comes
51 Agacch/atR
(that was) coming
52 AgAd
he came
53 agAd
54 agAdh/aA
56 agAh/ata
plunged into
57 agAm
I went (iN' + luG, with gAtisthA)
58 Agam/a
the coming, arrival;
religious heritage, the veda
59 Agaman/a
the coming
60 Agam/at
he came
61 agam/at
he went
62 AgamayA/mAsa
he made (them) come
64 AgamiS/yati
he will come
65 Agamya
came and
67 agamy/ata
it was gone to
68 Agam/yate
he comes;
coming happens (impersonal)
69 agaNay/at
he counted
71 Agantavy/a
must come
72 AgAr/a
n building, house
73 agAr/a
n building, house
75 agarhay/at
he censured, abused, blamed, despised
76 agar/u
agarwood (WP Agarwood)
77 Ag/as
transgression, offence, injury, sin, fault
79 agasty/a
pn (WP Agastya, a RSi)
80 Agat/aA
(that has) come, he came
81 agatAs/u
the living (a + gatAsu, not dead);
(those) that are going to die (agata + asu, whose breath is not yet gone)
82 Agatya
came and
83 aGga
hey! (a particle implying attention, assent or desire, and sometimes impatience, it may be rendered, by well;
indeed, true ;
please ;
quick )
indeed, yes, truly
84 aGg/aA
n limb (arm or leg or head)
85 aGgad/a
n bracelet worn on the upper arm
pn (of a monkey, foster son of sugrIva)
86 aGgad/in
that wears an aGgada
87 aGgan/A
beautiful woman
89 aGgAr/a
90 aGgArak/a
92 aGgAravat/I
94 aGg/I
n limb (arm, leg, or head)
95 aGgIkRt/a
accepted, received;
96 aGgIkRtya
accepted and, received and
97 aGg/in
that has branches (aGga)
98 aGgir/as
pn (of a sage)
99 AGgiras/a
pn (of bRhaspati, son of aGgiras)
101 aGgul/aI
finger or thumb or toe
102 aGgul/i
finger or thumb or toe
103 aGgulIyak/a


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