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nayiSyate ... nigRhNIyus

0 nayiS/yate
he will carry (same as neSyati)
1 nayiS/yati
she will carry
2 nayitum
to send
3 nAz/a
m destruction, disappearance, removal
4 nazabd/a
the word 'na'
6 nAzan/a
n destruction
7 nAzayA/mAsa
he destroyed
8 nAzay/ati
he destroys
9 nAzay/atR
10 nAzayiS/yati
he will destroy, will kill
12 nAz/in
13 nazIs
(don't) destroy
15 naziSy/atR
that is about to perish (sya + zatR, see lRTassadvA)
16 nAzit/a
destroyed, ruined
17 nazyamAn/aA
18 nazy/ati
perishes, is destroyed
19 nazy/atR
being destroyed, undone (zatR)
20 nedire
they roared
21 nedus
they roared
22 nem/I
wheel rim, wheel felly
23 neS/yati
he will carry
24 net/Asmi
I will carry
25 net/R
26 netr/aA
n eye;
a leader, helmsman
27 netum
to lead, to carry;
to pass (the night)
28 ney/aA
29 nezus
they perished
they were destroyed, they were lost (to sixth)
30 ni
down (see ni)
31 nibaddh/a
bound down by, constrained by (third), tied with, fettered, chained
32 nibadhnanti
they tie down, they bind
33 nibadhnAti
he ties down, he binds
34 nibadhnImas
we restrict
35 nibadhy/ate
is tied down, fettered, chained
36 nibandhan/aA
tying, fastening, binding together, attachment;
associated with, related to
37 nibandhAya
results in binding
38 nibarhaN/a
crusher, destroyer
39 nibarhit/aA
(was) destroyed, removed
40 nibh/aA
that looks like, resembling, similar
43 nibiD/a
holeless, without spaces or interstices, close, compact, thick, dense, firm
44 nibodh/ati
he knows, realizes, considers as (with two seconds)
46 nIc/a
low, not high, not tall, ignoble people
47 nIcais
48 nicakarta
he cut off
49 nicay/a
50 nID/a
51 nidAgh/a
summer (hot season, may-june)
52 nidarzan/a
indication, evidence, proof
53 nidez/a
order, command, direction
54 nidezAd
by command
55 nidhAn/a
storehouse, receptacle
56 nidhan/a
undoing, destruction, death
57 nidhAs/yati
he will lay down, set, assing, distribute
58 nidhAya
deposited and
59 nidh/i
storehouse (, wealth ? )
61 nidr/aA
f sleep
62 nigacch/ati
goes (esp. into a state)
63 nigad/atR
64 nigam/a
m tradition, doctrine, knowledge
66 nighAt/in
killer, destroyer
67 nighn/a
68 nighn/atR
(while) destroying, killing (root han)
69 nigIrN/a
swallowed, devoured
70 nigIrya
swallowed and (gq)
71 nigIry/ate
is being swallowed
72 nigrah/a
punishment, restrainment
74 nigrahItum
to capture
76 nigRhIt/a
retracted, pulled inwards
77 nigRhIt/aA
held down or back, seized, caught, checked
79 nigRhNAmi
I take back
81 nigRhNImas
we grab, let's grab
82 nigRhNISva
hold (your horses)
83 nigRhNIyus
they would capture


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