32134 habitual doer affixes, future time ←

chunk 22: 33156 liG and loT

→ 34067 kartari karmaNi

33156 liG means future cause and effect . hetuhetumatorliG
33161 liG means command, advice, invitation, asking for instruction, question, request, prayer. vidhinimantraNAmantraNAdhISTasampraznaprArthaneSuliG
33162 The loT too . loTca
33173 Use liG or loT to mean a wish. AziSiliGloTau
33175 When there is mAG, use luG. mAGiluG
33176 After sma, laG too. smottarelaGca
34007 leT has liG meaning liGartheleT
34018 Optionally use ktvA with alam khalu to mean "stop doing". alaGkhalvoHpratiSedhayoHprAcAGktvA
34021 Of two with same doer, means what happens first. samAnakartRkayoHpUrvakAle
34022 Namul mean repetition. AbhIkSNyeNamulca

(hetuhetu) (!he)

hetu-hetumator liG ONPANINI 33156
liG means future cause and effect (optionally).mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 366

In other words:

" in if-then sentence pairs that mean the future, both verbs optionally get hard liG. "

Example --

yadi bhRzaM varSet su-bhikSamM bhavet "if it would rain a lot, there would be lots of food"

We say "optionally" because we can use the lRT instead --

yadi bhRzaM varSiSyati su-bhikSamM bhaviSyati "if it will rain a lot, there will be lots of food"

KAZIKA tehuH kAraNam. hetumat phalam. hetubhUte hetumati cArthe vartamAnAd dhAtoH liG pratyayo bhavati. sarvalakArANAm apavAdaH. dakSiNena ced yAyAn na zakaTaM paryAbhavet. yadi kamalakamAhvayenna zakaTaM paryAbhavet. dakSiNena ced yAsyati na zakaTaM paryAbhaviSyati. tatra vibhASAgrahaNaM tAvadanantaram eva anuvartate. liGG iti vartamAne punar liG-grahaNaM kAla-vizeSa-pratipatty-artham. tena iha na bhavati, hanti iti palAyate, varSati iti dhAvati. kriyAtipattau lRG bhavati.

NOTE ABOUT USAGE. Strictly speaking, this rule should not work when the condition is unlikely or impossible, because rule liGnimitte makes lRG compulsory then, as in --

tatspardhAyAm ajeSyAmApatiSyan yadi vAraNAH "we'll win that match when elephants fly"

But mostly everybody makes that liGnimitte rule optional and uses the liG anyway. So, saying that with two liG instead --

yadA pateyuH kAliGgAs tatspardhAyAJM jayema tat "we'll win that match when elephants fly"

technically sucks. But, actually, you will those hear liG liG way more often than the kosher lRG lRG.

735 letters. -- 33.bse 1349 -- popularity 2

(vidhinima) (/liG)

vidhi;nimantraN'; .AmantraN%AdhISTa; samprazna;prArthaneSu liG ONPANINI 33161
liG means command, advice, invitation, asking for instruction, question, request, prayer.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 367 tense

Very roughly rephrased, this means --

' liG can mean "please do", "should", "may". '

Examples of command --

gacchet "let him go, make him go"

kaTaGM kuryAd bhavAn "make a mat, please"

Example of advice --

iha bhavAn AsIta "you should sit here"

Invitation --

iha bhavAn bhuJjIta "please stay for dinner"

Asking for instruction --

adhIchAmo bhavantamM mANavakamM bhavAn upanayet "we would like that you would teach the boy"

Question --

kinM nu khalu bho vyAkaranam adhIyIya "should I study grammar?"

Prayer --

bhavati me prArthanA vyAkaranam adhIyIya "I have a prayer that I'd study grammar"

The hard liG can mean "would" (by hetuhetu), and it can also have the above meanings, including "wish".

Another rule AziSi liG-loTau teaches that the liG can also express a wish of the speaker. Then rule liG AziSi says that when it means a wish, we may either use the hard liG --

varSed bhRzam "may it rain a lot"

Or the soft liG --

varSyAd bhRzam "may it rain a lot"

See AziSiliGloTau and liGAziSi for details and more examples.

Back to tenses.

KAZIKA vidhiH preraNam. nimantraNam niyogakaraNam. AmantraNam kAmacArakaraNam. adhISTaH satkArapUrvako vyApAraH. sampraznaH sampradhAraNam. prArthanam yAcJA. vidhyAdiSvartheSu dhAtoH liG pratyayo bhavati. sarvalakArANAm apavAdaH. vidhyAdayazca pratyayArthavizeSaNam. vidhyAdiviziSTeSu kartrAdiSu liG pratyayo bhavati. vidhau tAvat kaTam kuryAt. grAmaM bhavAnAgacchet. nimantraNe iha bhavAn bhuJjIta. iha bhavAnAsIta. AmantraNe iha bhavAnAsIta. iha bhavAn bhuJjIta. adhISTe adhIchAmo bhavantaM mANavakaM bhavAn upanayet. samprazne kiM nu khalu bho vyAkaranam adhIyIya. prArthane bhavati me prArthanA vyAkaranam adhIyIya.

787 letters. -- 33.bse 1451 -- popularity 76

(loTca) (/loT)

loT ca ONPANINI 33162
The loT too (means command, advice, invitation, wish, question, request, prayer).mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 368 tense

(See also loT replacements .)

The loT too, like the liG, means command, advice, invitation, wish, question, request, prayer.

As in --

gam + loT sipgam + zap + sipgach + a + sipgaccha + sipgaccha + hi'''gaccha "go!"

jIva "live!"

inria says " imp." when it detects a loT. Don't confuse that with " impft", meaning laG.

For wishes, we may also use tuhyostAta, vidhi;nimantra, liGAziSi.

(See also doerless loT .)

KAZIKA loT pratyayo bhavati dhAtoH vidhyAdiSu artheSu. yogavibhAga uttarArthaH. vidhau tAvat kaTaM tAvat bhavAn karotu. grAmaM bhavAnAgacchatu. nimantraNe amutra bhavAnAstAm. amutra bhavAn bhuGktAm. Amantrane iha bhavAn bhuGktAm. adhISTe adhIcchAmo bhavantaM mANavakaM bhavAnadhyApayatu, mANAvakaM bhavAnupanayatAm. samprazne kiM nu khalu bho vyAkranam adhyayai. prArthane bhavati me prArthanA vyAkaraNam adhyayai, chando 'dhyayai.

294 letters. -- 33.bse 1573 -- popularity 61

(AziSili) (!Az)

AziSi liG;loTau ONPANINI 33173
Use liG or loT to mean a wish.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M+ C+ 369

Examples with the bent affix ta --

AyuSmAn vardhatAm "live long and prosper"


vRdh + loT ta → .. → vardhatAm

AyuSmAn vardheta "live long and prosper"


vRdh + @hard liG ta → .. → vardheta

AyuSmAn vardhiSISTa "live long and prosper"


vRdh + @soft liG ta → .. → vardhiSISTa

Examples with the flat affix tip --

ciraJM jIvatu bhavAn "may you live long"

ciraJM jIved bhavAn "may you live long"

ciraJM jIvyAd bhavAn "may you live long"

KAZIKA AzaMsanam AzIH, aprAptasya iSTasya arthasya prAptum icchA. prakRtyarthavizeSaNaM ca etat. AzIrviziSTe'rthe vartamAnAd dhAtoH liGloTau pratyayau bhavataH. ciraM jIvyAd bhavAn. ciraM jIvatu bhavAn. AziSi iti kim? ciraM jIvati devadattaH.

The flat soft liG forms do appear sometimes in the post-vedic literature, particularly bhUyAt "may it be". The bhg has exactly one flat soft liG, the apanudyAt at chapter two stanza eight, whose grammatical correctness is sort of dubious.

afaik, there are no examples of bent soft liG outside of the vedic literature.

581 letters. -- 33.bse 1610 -- popularity 3

1374 The @soft /liG is used once in a blue moon.

(mAGiluG) (/mAG)

mAGi luG ONPANINI 33175
When there is mAG, use luG.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 370

mA(G) expresses prohibition , and it can be used with no verb, as in --

mA "don't!"

But this rule says that, if it is used with a verb, it must be a luG verb, as in --

mA vanaGM gamaH "don't go to the woods!"

u mA tapaH kArSIH "heck, don't practise austerities!"

This rule forbids the use of all other tenses with mA for prohibition. But in spite of this rule, the epics use mAG with loT sometimes --

mA vanaGM gaccha "don't go to the woods!"

u mA tapaH kuru "heck, don't practise austerities!"

or with laG --

mainaM zakrAvamanyathAH "don't underestimate him!"

na is never used with loT.

Notice that the two luG in the examples above would usually have been agamas and akArSIs. But here, luGlaG did not work, because of the exception na mAG-yoge --

gam + luG sip puSAdidyutAdyLditaH gam + aG + sipgam + a + s'''gamas

kR + luG sipkR + sic + s''' sicivRddhiH kAr + s + s astisico kAr + s + Is kric kArSIs

If you type gamaH kArSIH into inria, it will label them with " inj", which means that these have luG but got no luGlaG nor AD-aj-AdInAm.

KAZIKA mAGi upapade dhAtoH luG pratyayo bhavati. sarvalakArANAm apavAdaH. mA kArSIt. mA hArSIt. katham mA bhavatu tasya pApam, mA bhaviSyati iti? asAdhur eva ayam. kecid AhuH, aGidaparo mAzabdo vidyate, tasya ayaM prayogaH.

730 letters. -- 33.bse 1655 -- popularity 8

219 /sic (to /luk) before @flat after !gAti /sthA /ghu !pA !bhU.

371 After /sma, /laG too.

559 /AG /mAG compulsorily (get /tuk before !ch).

1193 {mA(G)'} "measure"

1269 /sma

(smottarela) (!sm)

smottare laG ca ONPANINI 33176
After sma, laG too.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 371

When we express a prohibition, or a negative blessing, with mAG, rule mAGiluG says that the tense must be luG. This exception says that if there is sma, the tense may be luG or laG --

mA sma zoke manaH kArSIr mA sma zoke manaH karoH

"Do not set thy mind on sorrow, do not set thy mind on sorrow."

Notice that namAGyoge worked with this laG too.

KAZIKA smazabdauttare mAGi upapade dhAtoH laG pratyayo bhavati, cakArAl lug ca. mA sma karot. mA sma kArSIt. mA sma harat. mA sma hArSIt. iti zrIjayAdityaviracitAyAm

inria, as of 2024, paints karoH gray.

289 letters. -- 33.bse 1737 -- popularity 1

(liGartheleT) (/le)

liG-arthe leT ONPANINI 34007
leT has liG meaningmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 372 tense

The leT tense is used only in the vedas. So NVM about it. Inria calls it " subj" or " subjunctive".

Like the liG and the loT, the leT expresses wishes, requests, commands and benedictions.

Example. In Rgveda 7.25.1 we hear --

patAti vidyut

this patAti comes from pat + leT, and means the same thing as pat + liG, pated vidyut "may lightning fall".

KAZIKA chandasi anyatarasyAm iti vartate. liGarthe, yatra liG vidhIyate vidhyAdiH, hetuhetumator liG 3-3-156 ityevam AdiH, tatra chandasi viSaye 'nyatarasyAM leT pratyayo bhavati. joSiSat tAriSat. mandiSat. netA indro neSat. takSiSat. patAti didyut. prajApatirudadhiM cyAvayAti.

Hm. Thinking again, I just misquoted the veda. That passage has patAti didyut. Anyway, it still means "let lightning fall".

352 letters. -- 34.bse 1 -- popularity 2

1164 /Tit is what has label !T.

(alaGkhalvo) (!ala)

alaG;khalvoH pratiSedhayoH prAcAM ktvA ONPANINI 34018
Optionally use ktvA with alam khalu to mean "stop doing".mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 373

The words alam and khalu may mean "enough of". When there has been enough of doing something, we may express that by using alam or khalu and an action noun with TA --

alamM bAle rodanena "enough, girl, with crying!"

khalu pAnena "enough with drinking"

This rule says that instead of using an action noun, we may also add use the ktvA of the same root --

alamM bAle ruditvA "enough, girl, with crying!"

khalu pItvA "enough with drinking"

Translating those as "stop crying", "no more booze for ya", etc, works too.

KAZIKA chandasi bhAvalakSaNe iti sarvaM nivRttam. alam khalu ityetayoH pratiSedha-vAcinor upapadayoH dhAtoH ktvA pratyayo bhavati prAcAm AcAryANAM matena. alaM kRtvA. khalu kRtvA. alaM bAle ruditvA. alaMkhalvoH iti kim? mA kArSIH. pratiSedhayoH iti kim? alaGkAraH. prAcAM-grahaNaM vikalp%Artham. alaM rodanena. vAsarUpavidhiz cet pUjArtham.

Just in case you're curious, the prAcAm word in the rule means "in the opinion of the Eastern grammarians", so it is short for "optionally".

497 letters. -- 34.bse 53 -- popularity 1

1413 prohibition

(samAnaka) (/ktv)

samAna-kartRkayoH pUrva-kAle ONPANINI 34021
Of two with same doer, ( ktvA) means what happens first.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 374

When two actions follow one another and have the same doer, the word that means what happens first may be replaced with the ktvA-ender from the same root.

Example. We can say these three sentences one after another. That is grammatical, but sort of clumsy --

Agaccham apazyam ajayam "I came. I saw. I conquered."

It is far better to apply this rule, which replaces Agaccham "I came" with Agamya, same meaning, and apazyam with dRSTvA. The last action ajayam "I conquered" cannot be replaced --

Agamya dRSTvAjayam "I came, I saw, I conquered."

This sort of flows better.

Those words Agamya and dRStvA were built by attaching ktvA after the roots (and preverb) of Agaccham and apazyam --

apazyamdRz + laG → * dRz + ktvA vrazcabhrasja dRS + tvA STunASTuH dRSTvA "after seeing"

AgacchamAG + gam + laG → * AG + gam + ktvAA + gam + lyapAgamya "after coming"

Even though dRSTvA properly means "after seeing", most of the time translations like "saw and" or "will see and" feel more natural.

KAZIKA samAnaH kartA yayoH dhAtvarthayostatra pUrvakAle dhAtvarthe vartamAnAd dhAtoH ktvA pratyayo bhavati. zaktizaktimatoH bhedasya avivakSitatvAt samAnakartRkatA. bhuktvA vrajati. pItvA vrajati. dvivacanamatantram. snAtvA pItvA bhukvA vrajati. samAnakartuRkayoH iti kim? bhuktavati brAhmaNe gacchati devadattaH. pUrvakAle iti kim? vrajati ca jalpati ca. AsyaM vyAdAya svapiti cakSuH saMmIlya hasti ityupasaMkhyAnam apUrvakAlatvAt.

Using ktvA to mean that the two actions happen at the same time, or when the two sentences have different doers, definitely sux. But don't be surprised if those happen nowand then in the epics.

When that happens, it is easy to understand --

saMzayaGM gamayitvA ca kuntIputreNa pAtitaH

It's easy to see, in context, that this means that he went to war and the son of kunti killed him. But it sux because the two sentences have different doers.

1080 letters. -- 34.bse 115 -- popularity 33

(AbhIkSNyeNa) (/Nam)

AbhIkSNye Namul ca ONPANINI 34022
( ktvA and) Namul mean repetition.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 375

Rule nityavIpsayoH will work too.

So, in --

bhuktvA bhuktvA vrajati "he eats and eats and then leaves"

bhojamM bhojaM vrajati "he eats and eats and then leaves"

The words bhuktvA and bhojam are built this way --

bhuJj + ktvA aniditA bhuj + tvA coHkuH bhug + tvA kharica bhuktvA

bhuJj + Namul aniditA bhuj + am puganta bhojam


06030019a bhUtagrAmaH sa evAyaM bhUtvA bhUtvA pralIyate

08008027c balavat sUryarazmyAbhair bhittvA bhittvA vinedatuH

303 letters. -- 34.bse 467 -- popularity 2

680 And lengthen optionally before /ciN and /Namul.

32134 habitual doer affixes, future time ←

chunk 22: 33156 liG and loT

→ 34067 kartari karmaNi