@changes of padafinal s r before khar

A padafinal s स्, before a /khar, changes into H by sasajuSoruH and kharavasAn..., regardless of whether it is after a A or not.

A true r too changes into H before a /khar by kharavasAn....

Both those H will then change into —

H before p प् ph फ् k क् kh ख् ts त्स्
s स् before t त् th थ् s स्
S ष् before T ट् Th ठ् S ष्
z श् before c च् ch छ् z श्

These results are obtained by different rules —

H H before p प् ph फ् k क् kh ख् by kupvoKkaFpauca
H H before ts त्स् by zarparevis...
H s स् before t त् th थ् by visarjanIy...
H S ष् before T ट् Th ठ् by visarjanIy... and STunASTuH
H z श् before c च् ch छ् by visarjanIy... and stozzcunAzcuH
H s स् before s स् by vAzari
H S ष् before S ष् by vAzari and STunASTuH
H z श् before z श् by vAzari and stozzcunAzcuH

It is considered good manners to write with the letter H the s स् S ष् z श् sounds that came out of vAzari. In this website I write them like they sound, however.

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