@Indian letters

Why do you say Indian letters in this website when you mean Devnagri letters?

Because I don't MEAN devanAgarI देवनागरी letters. I mean any alphabet from India with which you can spell Sanskrit. When you take notes, you should feel free to spell Sanskrit with any alphabet you are used to, Indian or non-Indian, including, but not limited to, Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Cyrillic, Ge'ez, Greek, Japanese, Malayalam, and Tamil.

I never heard of Ge'ez, what's that?

Click here.

Why do we Tamils get to be at the end of the list?

The list is sorted alphabetically.

Why did you say "when I take notes"?

When you are writing for others, use whatever alphabet they are used to. Most Sanskrit speakers can read devanagari.

Why do you use HK in this website?

HK is sort of a toy thing or teaching thing for illiterate Westerners. Like me. I'll change it into IAST when I find the time.