@joining table for r s

For the final s स् is in as अस्, see joining table for as before V or joining table for as before C.

All padafinal r र् (including punar and family) and the s स् that follows non-a vowels ( **gIr गीर्, **gurus गुरुस्) always give the same result, because that s स् becomes r र् by sasajuSoruH and that r र् coming from s स् is never caught by hazica or atororapl....

So they become —

Before all vowels — r र् by no rules

Before pauseH by kharavasAn...

Before r र् — nothing (by rori), and then previous a i u lengthens (by DhralopepUrv...).

Before other /hazr र् by no rules

Otherwise we are before a /khar, and kharavasAn... turns the s स् r र् into H . That H is in turn turned into —

Before p प् ph फ् k क् kh ख्H by kupvoKkaFpauca, or by zarparevis...

Before ts त्स्H by zarparevis...

Before t त् th थ्s स् by visarjanIy...

Before c च् ch छ्z श् by visarjanIy... and stozzcunAzcuH

Before T ट् Th ठ्S ष् by visarjanIy... and STunASTuH

Before s स्s स् by vAzari

Before z श्s स् by vAzari and stozzcunAzcuH

Before S ष्s स् by vAzari and STunASTuH