@sandhi of consonant before vowel

If your word ends in as अस्, see sandhi of as before vowel.

If your word ends in As आस्, see sandhi of aas before vowel.

See also final t sandhi

See also final n sandhi

The other consonant-enders will behave as if they end in —

d द् m म् n न् r र् g ग् D ड् b ब् G ङ्.

Change of wordfinal consonants before vowels

as अस्

as + a → o, (by sasajuSoruH, atororapl..., AdguNaH, eGaHpadAnt... )

As आस्

As → Ay / A:: before all vowels (by sasajuSoruH, bhobhagoagh..., optionally lopazzAkaly...)

other s (not as अस् As आस्)

the other s स् work like r र् below (by sasajuSoruH)

r र्

r stays (no rules apply)


n G stay, and the previous short vowel lengthens by GamohrasvAd...

These change into d g b D by jhalAJjazonte

t → d

k → g

p → b

T → D

The other wordfinal letters (d g b D m) stay (no rules apply).

Back to sandhi tables.

According to rule jhalAJjazonte, padafinal c च् before vowel should become j ज्, why didn't you mention that above?

Because coHkuH चोःकुः changes that c च् into k क् before jhalAJjazonte can apply, so there are no examples.