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chunk 90: some shortcuts

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phalam, phale, phalAni
rAjA, rAjan
nAma, pitA, pitar
cakAra babhUva Asa
kSipa, cintaya, nRtya.
examples of reduplication before liT
examples of reduplication before san
znA examples
plava, aplava, paca, bhava, naya, zoca, cara.
nAyi, kAri, pAci, cori, cinti
dadA juhu bibhI mimA bibhR jahA
about rundh and runadh

(/phalam) (/phal)

phalam, phale, phalAnimmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1614

All neuter nounbases replace svaujas with "nothing, I, i". And these replace amauTchaS too.

The following summary shows the rules that work after we add one of the endings svaujas or amauTchaS to a neuter that ends in a.

phala- + su OR am atom phalam "result; a piece of fruit"

phala- + auphala- + zI AdguNaH phale "two results, two pieces of fruit"

phala- + jas OR zas napuMsakAcca phala + zi nonfunny phalan + i rAjAnam phalAni "results, fruits"

Amra- + jas OR zasamrAni ( like phalAni ) Natvam AmrANi "mangoes"

The calling disappears by rule eGhra. Therefore the correct way to address a banana in Sanskrit is

he kadalIphala "hey banana!"

As my granma used to say, "you'll never go to sleep without having learnt something new".

518 letters. -- 60000someshortcuts.bse 7 -- popularity 2

1337 /muk is an !m added afterwards

(/rAjA) (/rAjA)

rAjA, rAjanmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1615

The nounbase rAjan- m means "king".

When we add the non- calling su after it, we get rAjA by these three rules --

rAjan m + su rAjAnam rAjAns halGyA rAjAn nalopaHprA rAjA

When we add the calling su after it, we get rAjan --

rAjan m + su halGyA rAjan "hey king; Your Highness"

(Here nalopaHprA did not work because of the exception naGisa)

The feminine is rAjJI- (by Rnne), which means queen, or, most often, queen consort (any wife of a king).

303 letters. -- 60000someshortcuts.bse 35 -- popularity 8

49 The /Git (replace only one letter).

57 But the [@stem]-changes caused by !lu affixes do not stay.

482 /vati may come after a [@third]-ender to mean similar action.

521 (In a @longhorn,) !dhanus (to /anaG).

1100 /GasibhyAmbhyas are the @fifth case affixes, /Gasi /bhyAm /bhyas

1265 /sakhi- "friend".

1616 /nAma, /pitA, /pitar

(/nAma) (/nAma)

nAma, pitA, pitarmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1616

pitR- m means "father". When it gets the non- calling su, rule Rduzana changes pitRs into pitans. Then, the same three rules that change rAjan + su into rAjA change pitans into pitA --

pitR- + su Rduzana pitans rAjAnam pitAns halGyA pitAn nalopaHprA pitA "father"

And with the calling su --

pitR + @calling s RtoGi pitars saMyogAnta pitar "hey dad; O revered sire"

nAman- n means "name". As it is a neuter, we get --

nAman @n + su OR am svamorna nAman nalopaHprA nAma

287 letters. -- 60000someshortcuts.bse 51 -- popularity 2

277 The affixes below are /kRt, except the /tiG.

(/babhUva) (/babhUv)

cakAra babhUva Asammmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1617

Forms of the auxiliary roots with Nal and ta --

kR + liT tipkR + NalcakR + Nal acoJNiti cakAra

kR + liT tacakR + ez ikoyaNaci cakre

bhU + liT tipbhU + NalbabhU + a bhuvovugluGliToH babhUva

as + liT tipas + Nal ata::upa As + Nal liTidhA A + As + a hrasvaH a + As + a ata::AdeH A + As + a akassa Asa

With the other third person endings --

cakAra cakratus cakrus

cakre cakrAte cakrire

babhUva babhUvatus babhUvus

Asa Asatus Asus

The last three forms Asa Asatus asus are only allowed when as is used as an auxiliary. Otherwise bhavateraH works, so we have to say babhUva babhUvatus babhUvus for "he was, they2 were, they were".

403 letters. -- 60000someshortcuts.bse 87 -- popularity 1

1407 Which roots get /Am''

(/kSipa) (/kS)

kSipa, cintaya, nRtya.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1618

These word-pieces are made by adding za Nic zyan after a root that is before a hard doer affix.

kSip tudAdibhyazzaH kSip + zakSipa

cint satyApapAza cinti kartarizap cinti + zap hardsoft cinte + a ecoya cintaya

nRt divAdibhyazzyan nRt + zyannRtya

135 letters. -- 60000someshortcuts.bse 103 -- popularity 3

685 After !a, /hi''' to (/luk).

1446 @Flat @hard /liG after !a.

(/papac) (/pap)

examples of reduplication before liTmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1619

pac ekAcodve papac

kR ( before liT ) ekAcodve kRkR kuhozcuH cRkR urat carkR halAdizzeSaH cakR

kSip ekAcodve kSikSip halAdizzeSaH kikSip kuhozcuH cikSip

nI ekAcodve nInI hrasvaH ninI


As in --

kR + liT takR + ezcakR + ez ikoyaNaci cakre "he did, he made"

114 letters. -- 60000someshortcuts.bse 114 -- popularity 16

(/didRkSa) (/did)

examples of reduplication before sanmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C- 1620

The reduplication before san replaces the stammer vowel with i, by sany ataH --

dRz + san vrazca dRS + sa sanyaGoH dadRS + sa sanyataH didRS + sa SaDhoHkassi didRkSa "want to see"

jJA + san sanyaGo jajJAsa sanyataH jijJAsa "want to know"

jijJAsate gurur dharmaJM chAtraz zuzrUSate gurum

pac + san → .. → pipakSa "want to cook"

kR + san → .. → cikIrSa "want to do"

han + san sanyaGoH ha + han + sa abhyAsAcca ha + ghan + sa kuhozcuH jha + ghan + sa abhyAsecarca ja + ghan + sa sanyataH ji + ghan + sa ajjhana ji + ghAn + sa nazcA jighAMsa "want to kill"

kR + san ajjhana kRR + san RRta::i kirsa halica kIrSa sanyaGoH cikIrSa "want to do"

pA + san sanyaGoH papAsa sanyataH pipAsa "thirst"

grah + san → * grah + (k)sa grahijyA gRh + sa sanyaGoH gRgRh + sa sanyataH gigRh + sa kuhozcuH jigRh + sa hoDhaH jigRDh + sa SaDhoHkassi jigRksa ekAcoba jighRksa kric jighRkSa "want to grab"

( grah is a seT root, but got no iSan here, by sanigraha)

This jighRkSa root does appear in the epics when it makes versifying easier --

tanM nUnam eSa dhAvantaJM jighRkSati dhanaJMjayaH "now he's running away and arjuna is trying to catch him"

but usually we'd say gRhItum icchati, of course.

The u of the stammer stays --

bhU + san sanyaGo bhUbhU + sa hrasvaH bhubhU + sa abhyAsecarca bubhU + sa kric bubhUSa "want to be"

(no iSan here, by sanigraha)

plu + san sanyaGoH puplusa ajjhana puplU + sa kric puplUSa "want to jump"

mR + san ajjhana mRR + san udoSThya mursa halica mUrSa sanyaGoH mumUrSa "want to die, be about to die, be willing to risk one's life"

zru + san sanyaGoH zu + zru + sa ajjhana zu + zrU + sa kric zuzrUSa "want to hear"

stu + san + laT → .. → tuSTUSati

hR + san + laT → .. → jihIrSati

jijJAsa and zuzrUSa are flatty by jJAzru.

960 letters. -- 60000someshortcuts.bse 134 -- popularity 11

(/gRhNA) (/gR)

znA examplesmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1621

Examples of znaclass roots getting znA --

pU + znA pvAdInAMhrasvaH punA

puS + znA Natvam puSNA

krI + znA Natvam krINA

As znA is Git (by sArvadhAtukamapit) it triggers grahijyA --

grah + znA grahijyA gRh + nA Natvam gRhNA

jyA + znA grahijyA jinA

The A of the znA affix

stays before aGit affixes,

gRhNA + laT tipgRhNAti "he grabs"

turns into I before consonant Git (by IhalyaghoH),

gRhNA + laT tasgRhNItas "both grab"

and disappears before vowel Git (by znAbhyastayorAtaH) --

gRhNA + laT anti'''gRhNanti "they grab"

346 letters. -- 60000someshortcuts.bse 219 -- popularity 1

(/plava) (/pla)

plava, aplava, paca, bhava, naya, zoca, cara.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1622

These word-pieces are made by adding zap after a root that is before a hard doer affix.

plu kartarizap plu + zap hardsoft plo + a ecoya plava

plu ( before laG ) → plava ( like above ) luGlaG aplava

pac kartarizap paca

bhU kartarizap bhU + zap hardsoft bho + zap ecoya bhava

nI kartarizap nI + zap hardsoft ne + zap ecoya naya

zuc kartarizap zuc + zap puganta zoca

car kartarizap cara

There is also a plava- nounbase that means "a boat".

221 letters. -- 60000someshortcuts.bse 244 -- popularity 29

(/pAci) (/pAc)

nAyi, kAri, pAci, cori, cintimmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1623

These are examples of roots made by adding Nic after another root.

Any root can get Nic by hetumatica, and in that case the meaning changes --

nI "carry" + causative Nic acoJNiti nai + Nic ecoya nAyi "make others carry"

This nAyi is a root because sanAdyantAdhAtavaH says so.

kR "do" + Nic acoJNiti kAri "make others do"

pac "cook" + Nic ata::upa pAci "make others cook"

The nichclass roots, such as cur, always get Nic by satyApa, and do not change meaning. --

cur "steal" + Nichclass Nic puganta cori "steal"

cint "think" + Nichclass Niccinti "think"

These can also get the causative Nic instead of the Nichclass Nic, but that is rare.

A nichclass roots, such as cur, may also get the Nic that means "make others do" --

cur "steal" + causative Nic puganta cori "make others steal"

but that seldom happens in practice. If you hear corayati, the chances of it meaning "steals" are far far higher than the chances of it meaning "makes others steal".

As these nAyi, kAri, pAci, cori are all roots (rule sanAdyantA says so), and they do not belong to any verb class, they get zap when kartarizap says so --

nAyi + laT tipnAyi + zap + ti hardsoft nAye + a + ti ecoya nAyayati "makes others lead"

cori + laT tipcori + zap + ti hardsoft core + a + ti ecoya corayati "steals"

883 letters. -- 60000someshortcuts.bse 262 -- popularity 8

247 !kAs and the /sanAdyanta get /Am'' before /liT.

257 /cli to /caG after [/Ni]-enders, !zri !dru !sru !kam before /kartari.

659 /Ni to (/lopa) before [/iT]-less (@soft).

1336 /ekAc is what has exactly one /ac.

1389 When !kartarizap won't work.

1730 About /Nic plus /san.

(/juhu) (/juh)

dadA juhu bibhI mimA bibhR jahAmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1624

The zluclass roots (like hu and bhI) get zlu when right before a hard doer affix (such as mas, tip or zatR) --

dA + zlu zlau dA + dA + zlu hrasvaH da + dA + zlu pratyayasya dadA

hu + zlu zlau hu + hu + zlu kuhozcuH juhu

bhI + zlu zlau bhI + bhI + zlu hrasvaH bhibhI abhyAsecarca bibhI

mAG' + zlu zlau mA + mA + zlu bhRJAmit mimA

bhR + zlu zlau bhR + bhR + zlu bhRJAmit bhi + bhR → .. → bibhR

hA + zlu zlau hA + hA + zlu hrasvaH hahA kuhozcuH jahA

These will behave differently before the Git and the aGit. Before the aGit affixes we get hardsoft as usual --

juhu + mip hardsoft juhomi "I pour"

bibhI + mip hardsoft bibhemi "I am afraid"

dadA + mipdadAmi "I give"

bibhR + tipbibharti "carries"

but the other verb endings are Git because of hard apit is Git , so there is no hardsoft there

juhu + masjuhumas "we pour"

bibhI + masbibhImas "we are afraid"

also, mimA dadA lose their A by znAbhya --

mimA + te''' IhalyaghoH mimIte "he measures"

dadA + mas znAbhya dadmas "we give"

578 letters. -- 60000someshortcuts.bse 293 -- popularity 20

(/rundh) (/run)

about rundh and runadhmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1625

Before hard doer affixes, the znamclass root rudh turns into either rundh or ruNadh.

If the affix is aGit, the a of (z)na(m) stays, and Natvam works --

rudh + laT miprudh + znam + mi midaco runadh + mi Natvam ruNadhmi "I obstruct"

If the affix is Git, znasora eats the a, placing the n right before dh, and then there is no Natvam before serious --

rudh + laT masrudh + znam + mas midaco runadh + mas znasora rundh + masrundhmas "we obstruct"

304 letters. -- 60000someshortcuts.bse 334 -- popularity 3

683 ({iT}less) /hi''' to !dhi after /hu and @serious.

985 !t !th to !dh after /jhaS, unless after !dhA.

1076 @serious to /jaz before /jhaz.

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chunk 90: some shortcuts

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