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List of lettergroups.
aN'' are a A i I u U.
The iN letters are ic, h, yaN.
jhar are the serious except h.
am' are ac, h, yaN and Jam.
yaN are ya va raT laN.
jhaS are jha bhaJ gha Dha dhaS.
yar are all consonants except h.
hal are all letters but the vowels.
chav are cha Tha tha ca Ta tav.
Jam are Ja ma Ga Na nam.
car are ca Ta tav za Sa sar.
az are vowels and haz.
uk are uN R Lk and their similars U RR.
The ac are the vowels, namely a i uN R Lk e oG ai auc, plus their similars A I U RR.
Letters are the things in the zivasUtra list, and the longs A I U RR
aT' are the vowels and ha ya va raT
ik are i uN R Lk and their similars I U RR.
khar are kha pha cha Tha tha ca Ta tav ka pay za Sa sar.
ak are a A i I u U R q L.
ic are all vowels but A a.
eG are e oG
aic are ai auc
Rk are R q L
ec are e oG ai auc
Stops are the Jay that are not nasals.
Jay are the nasals and the stops
alphabetical order
Serious are all hal except the funny.
funny are ya va raT laN Ja ma Ga Na nam
valAdi is what starts with val.
val letters
ral letters
zar are za Sa sar
zal are za Sa sar hal
jaz are ja ba ga Da daz.
baz are ba ga Da daz.
cay are ca Ta tav ka pay.
bhaS are bhaJ gha Dha dhaS.
jhaz are jha bhaJ gha Dha dhaS ja ba ga Da daz.
khay are kha pha cha Tha tha ca Ta tav ka pay .
haz are all consonants except the khar.
taG are tAtAMjha thAsAthAMdhvam iDvahimahiG.
shorts are a i u R L
longs are A I U q e o ai au
Lengthen, shorten mean replace with long, short.
(@lettergroup) (@let)
246 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 4 -- popularity 39
(/aN'') (/aN'')
404 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 49 -- popularity 10
(/iN) (/iN)
The iN letters are ic, h, yaN.mmmmmmmmm
^ C+ 1603
By Adirantyena, the iN letters are all from i uN to laN --
i uN R Lk e o G ai auc ha ya va raT laN,
and of course I U RR are iN letters too, by aNuditsa.
Back to lettergroups.
Technical note. As the letter N appears twice as a label in the zivasUtra, rule Adirantyena also allows iN to mean i u I U. So iN, like aN'', might have two meanings. Yet, pANini never uses iN to mean i I u U, not even in yUstry or aciznu. In the rules iN always means i uN R Lk e o G ai auc ha ya va raT laN.
356 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 125 -- popularity 4
219 /sup to (/luk) inside @root and @nounbase.
1046 But with !S after !i !u.
1063 After /iN, !dh of !SIdhvam, /luG and /liT to (!Dh).
(/jhar) (/jhar)
72 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 149 -- popularity 2
1098 (After consonant), optionally delete a /jhar before a @similar /jhar.
1605 /am' are /ac, !h, /yaN and /Jam.
(/am') (/am')
95 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 189 -- popularity 2
1021 !pum (to !puMs or !pu~s) before /khay that is before /am'.
1022 (Wordfinal) !n to !Ms before /chav.
(/yaN) (/yaN)
79 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 204 -- popularity 22
(/jhaS) (/jhaS)
90 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 213 -- popularity 3
1640 /jhaz are {jha bhaJ gha Dha dhaS ja ba ga Da daz}.
(/yar) (/yar)
172 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 226 -- popularity 2
1085 (Optionally double /yar after @vowel) before non-@vowel.
(/hal) (/hal)
254 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 245 -- popularity 43
(/chav) (/chav)
18 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 274 -- popularity 5
1022 (Wordfinal) !n to !Ms before /chav.
1027 (@Wordfinal !r to) /H before /khar and @pause.
1041 /H to !s (before /khar).
1449 Accurate translation of !!nazchavya.
(/Jam) (/Jam)
159 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 309 -- popularity 19
(/car) (/car)
18 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 328 -- popularity 5
405 /tas /thas /tha /mip to /tAm''' /tam''' /ta''' /am''' (in [@Git tense]s).
1178 /tiptasjhi are the [@third person] @flat /tiG affixes /tip /tas /jhi.
1311 /seT /aniT /veT
1378 Using parsers to split verbs into root plus affix.
1515 building !carati
(/az) (/az)
66 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 330 -- popularity 3
1029 /ru from !As !as !bhos !bhagos !aghos to !y before /az.
1497 sandhi rules three
1498 examples and exercises of sandhi rules three
(/uk) (/uk)
133 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 345 -- popularity 5
341 /ksnu after !glA !ji /sthA /bhU
802 /san (doesn't get /iT after) /grah, !guh, (!zri and [/uk]-enders).
810 /san gets /iT optionally (after {q}-enders and !vR).
(/ac) (/ac)
187 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 351 -- popularity 71
(/al) (/al)
469 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 392 -- popularity 8
21 @nasalized means "some air leaks off the nose".
59 @Letter before last is @nexttolast.
1342 /yac means !y or /ac
1605 /am' are /ac, !h, /yaN and /Jam.
1617 /aT' are the [@vowel]s and {ha ya va raT}
1629 @Serious are all /hal except the @funny.
(/aT') (/aT')
182 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 509 -- popularity 2
1097 !z to !ch (after @stop, optionally).
(/ik) (/ik)
161 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 531 -- popularity 30
(/khar) (/khar)
84 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 563 -- popularity 17
(/ak) (/ak)
ak are a A i I u U R RR L.mmmmmmmmm
^ M- C+ 1620
The ak vowels are all vowels except the ec.
There are nine of them. They are
The five short vowels, namely
a i u R L,
and the four long vowels
The zivasUtra says that the ak letters are a i uN R Lk, namely, a i u R L (see Adirantyena). But because of rule ugidacA, when the zivasUtra say a i u R L, they mean a A i I u U R RR L.
A curiosity. No words of the real language have the sound of lengthened L, so I didn't bother to add it to the alphabet I use in these pages. But you will find a letter for that sound in the devanAgarI alphabet. It even in has two UNICODE code positions, namely U+0961 and U+0963. They are used (A) by cabbalists, and (B) by grammarians that write sentences such as "there is no such thing as an LL sound" (C) with a three figure written after it, to write the extralong version of L, which, according to grammarians, is allowed by some extralong rules, or so I'm told.
Back to lettergroups.
757 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 571 -- popularity 8
586 @Merge /ak with @similar into @long.
587 @Merge /ak with /au /jas /zas into the lengthened /ak.
591 /am to !m (after /ak).
604 /ak (optionally stays and shortens) before !R.
962 (@stammer) works [/san]-wise before @light that is before /caG, unless /ak dropped.
1495 basic sound change rules
1503 (A) final vowels
(/ic) (/ic)
98 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 597 -- popularity 8
252 Roots that start with a @heavy /ic get /Am'' (before /liT), except /Rcch and /UrNu.
1050 Replace non-@wordfinal with @curledback.
1054 (/kric works only) when a @Sa-root or an @affix is involved.
1120 @Bent @soft /liG.
1486 @stopper labels
1603 The /iN letters are /ic, !h, /yaN.
1745 /Satvam means replacing !s with !S
(/eG) (/eG)
27 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 610 -- popularity 9
16 !a and /eG are /guNa.
561 After /eG and @short, (erase) @calling.
581 (Delete) "!a !A" of a @preverb before /eG.
593 After @wordfinal /eG, "!a" (disappears).
594 /Gasi /Gas lose !a (after /eG)
1447 rules that delete the @calling
1529 /avagraha
(/aic) (/Y)
27 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 610 -- popularity 4
15 !A and /aic are /vRddhi.
1486 @stopper labels
(/Rk) (/Rk)
398 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 620 -- popularity 1
(/ec) (/ec)
540 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 640 -- popularity 17
(@stop) (@stop)
239 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 674 -- popularity 12
(/Jay) (/Jay)
Jay are the nasals and the stopsmmmmmmmmm
^ M- C+ 1627
Or expressed in another way, the Jay are the ku, cu, Tu, tu and pu.
In the zivasUtra, the twentyfive Jay start at Ja and end at pay --
Ja ma Ga Na nam |
jha bhaJ |
gha Dha dhaS |
ja ba ga Da daz |
kha pha cha Tha tha ca Ta tav |
ka pay |
In alphabetical order they are arranged from the back of the mouth to the lips --
ka kha ga gha Ga -- ku
ca cha ja jha Ja -- cu
Ta Tha Da Dha Na -- Tu
ta tha da dha na -- tu
pa pha ba bha ma -- pu
298 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 718 -- popularity 12
(alphabeticalorder) (al)
alphabetical ordermmmmmmmmm
^ M- C+ 1628
The alphabetical order used in dictionaries starts with the vowels --
a A i I u U
e ai
o au
which is same as the zivasUtra except that ai and o are swapped.
After that we have
then the twentyfive Jay in order from back of the mouth to the front --
ka kha ga gha Ga -- ku
ca cha ja jha Ja -- cu
Ta Tha Da Dha Na -- Tu
ta tha da dha na -- tu
pa pha ba bha ma -- pu
And then the remaining eight consonants --
ya va raT laN
za Sa sar hal
When sorting alphabetically, and the letter M is before a Jay, paper dictionaries place saMdhi where it would belong if the correct spelling were sandhi. This is convenient because everybody applies rule anusvA and says sandhi, but not everybody can remember if the correct spelling is sandhi or saMdhi. Similarly duHSanta is pronounced always with vAzari change, and placed in dictionaries where duSSanta belongs.
You don't need to learn this alphabetical order until you need to use a dictionary arranged according to it. So as long as you keep to online dictionaries , yer cool, but the moment you want to use MMW's book on nala, u better learn it ASAP.
854 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 742 -- popularity 1
(@serious) (@ser)
The twenty-four jhal letters (also called serious letters) are the twenty stops, from jha to pay, --
jha bhaJ | gha Dha dhaS |
ja ba ga Da daz |
kha pha cha Tha tha
ca Ta tav | ka pay |
and the four zal, from za to hal --
za Sa sar | hal
I call them serious because they are not funny.
Back to lettergroups.
222 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 787 -- popularity 32
(/yam) (/yam)
237 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 800 -- popularity 5
766 @nonfunny gets /num before /zi.
1436 No /Natvam before @serious.
1642 /haz are all consonants except the /khar.
(/valAdi) (/valA)
124 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 811 -- popularity 17
(/val) (/val)
91 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 820 -- popularity 6
60 @Seventh in a rule may mean "before".
558 !v !y to /lopa before /val.
807 /valAdi @soft gets /iT
822 (/val) @hard (gets /iT) after !rud /svap !zvas !prAN !jakS.
1631 /valAdi is what starts with /val.
(/ral) (/ral)
51 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 831 -- popularity 1
79 (/itvA) and /iSan (are optionally /kit) after a [/hal]-{y;u}-/ral root.
(/zar) (/zar)
113 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 850 -- popularity 16
(/zal) (/zal)
18 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 862 -- popularity 7
259 (/cli to) {(k)sa} after {ikzal}-ender /aniT.
1033 @Wordfinal !m to /M before consonant.
1034 Non-@wordfinal !m !n to /M before @serious.
1498 examples and exercises of sandhi rules three
1543 About the @topdot letter.
1629 @Serious are all /hal except the @funny.
(/jaz) (/jaz)
141 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 873 -- popularity 7
65 Grab from the start to the one that has the end as @label after it.
995 @Wordfinal @serious to /jaz.
1087 @serious to /jaz before /jhaz.
1496 sandhi rules two
1611 /Jam are {Ja ma Ga Na nam}.
1640 /jhaz are {jha bhaJ gha Dha dhaS ja ba ga Da daz}.
(/baz) (/baz)
18 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 883 -- popularity 2
259 (/cli to) {(k)sa} after {ikzal}-ender /aniT.
993 Replace with /bhaS the /baz of an /ekAc [/jhaS]-ender root that is @wordfinal or before !s !dhv.
(/cay) (/cay)
18 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 891 -- popularity 1
1496 sandhi rules two
(/bhaS) (/bhaS)
18 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 891 -- popularity 1
993 Replace with /bhaS the /baz of an /ekAc [/jhaS]-ender root that is @wordfinal or before !s !dhv.
(/jhaz) (/jhaz)
131 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 900 -- popularity 3
1087 @serious to /jaz before /jhaz.
1642 /haz are all consonants except the /khar.
(/khay) (/khay)
109 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 930 -- popularity 1
1021 !pum (to !puMs or !pu~s) before /khay that is before /am'.
(/haz) (/haz)
177 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 943 -- popularity 13
(/taG) (/taG)
83 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 970 -- popularity 7
65 Grab from the start to the one that has the end as @label after it.
156 But /taG !Ana are @bent.
406 (@Bent) /liG gets {sIy(uT)}.
1131 @Bent @hard /liG rules.
1383 @Nondoer affixes.
1486 @stopper labels
(@short) (@sh)
There are five short vowels --
a i u R L
and eight long vowels --
A I U RR e o ai au
See UkAlojjhra.
Tradition says that longs take twice as much time to say as the shorts. See mAtrA.
134 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 988 -- popularity 38
(@long) (@long)
134 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 1000 -- popularity 47
(@lengthen) (@len)
Sometimes I use the words " lengthen" and " shorten" in the translation of a rule, to translate the "replace with long" or "replace with short" of the original rule.
As "shorten" means "replace with short", shortening U makes u, and shortening u makes u too.
These words only affect vowels.
Examples --
shortening pU makes pu ( pvAdInAMhrasvaH)
shortening rai makes ri (by eca::igghra)
shortening the ju of juhoti (as per rule hrasvaH) makes juhoti
345 letters. -- 50000lettergroups.bse 1011 -- popularity 12
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