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chunk 94: about some Sanskrit works

→ still working on these

about some sanskrit works
About the epics
About the rAmAyaNam.
About the mahAbhAratam.
about the Indian calendar
the kathAsaritsAgara

(aboutsomesanskritworks) (somes)

about some sanskrit worksmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1638



14 letters. -- 99000randomthings.bse 20 -- popularity 1

1436 odds and ends

(@epics) (@ep)

About the epicsmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C- 1639

The epics are the rAmAyaNam and the mahAbhAratam.

You can find most of the Sanskrit original at mahabharata and ramayana at bombay indology dot info.

150 letters. -- 99000randomthings.bse 20 -- popularity 49

(@rmy) (@rm)

About the rAmAyaNam.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1640

The rAmAyaNam is the story of rAma's adventures. It is roughly twenty thousand stanzas long.

See Wikipedia on Ramayana.

91 letters. -- 99000randomthings.bse 59 -- popularity 4

584 Optionally, (@wordfinal) /ik stays and shortens before non-@similar.

1639 About the @epics

1654 @metronymic

1683 fish index manual

(@mbh) (@mb)

About the mahAbhAratam.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1641

The mahAbhAratam is the story of the kurukSetra war. It is roughly a hundred thousand stanzas long.

See Wikipedia on Mahabharata.

Wikisource has the Ganguli translation -- wikisource parvan 6

The Ganguli translation is not good, but it's public domain, so it can be used freely.

06003 devanagari at sacred-texts

336 letters. -- 99000randomthings.bse 73 -- popularity 10

(/amarakoza) (/ama)

amarakozammmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1642

The amarakoza is a thesaurum, written in verse.

38 letters. -- 99000randomthings.bse 80 -- popularity 1

1638 about some sanskrit works

(@fortnight) (@fort)

about the Indian calendarmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1643

The old Indian calendars all work sort of like the Hebrew calendar. Months start at New Moon and have full moon around day fifteen of every month, then years have 12 or 13 months so as to keep years roughly synched with the seasons.

Nowadays Indians use the same calendar as most other countries, except when it comes to fix the date of Hindu holidays, other religious purposes, and magical purposes. For instance, the Wikipedia on Kumbh Mela festivals happen when Jupiter is near a certain place of the sky (that's why they repeat every 11.86 years in average) and also must start in certain days of the calendar, i.e, when the Sun and moon are in certain places.

Months are divided in two halves: during the bright fortnight, you can see the moon at sunset, and during the dark fortnight, you cannot, as it rises during the night.

The day that the bright fortnight starts is called the amAvasyA. It always falls near New Moon.

The full moon night is called pUrNimA.

The dark fortnight starts after he full moon.

Inside each fortnight, days are numbered from one to fifteen, or to fourteen sometimes. For astronomical details, see [WIKIAmavasya] and [WIKIPurnima].

915 letters. -- 99000randomthings.bse 91 -- popularity none

(@bhg) (@bh)

bhagavadgItAmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1644

If you have no idea what the bhg is about, start withWikipedia on Bhagavad gItA.

It's a part of the mahAbhArata. Book six, chapters 23 to 40. When I say that some line is from bhg 2:3, that means chapter 2 stanza 3 of the bhagavadgItA. Which is book six, chapter 22 + 2 = 24, stanza 3 of the mahAbhAratam.

There are a thousand translations of the work in the web. Just search for "bhagavad gita in english". Or in Polish or whatever.

311 letters. -- 99000randomthings.bse 124 -- popularity 16

(/kathAsaritsAgara) (/kat)

the kathAsaritsAgarammmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1645

The kathAsaritsAgara "the ocean of rivers of stories" is a book with a lot of stories in it. Sort of like the thousand nights and one night. See Wikipedia on Kathasaritsagara.

Archive dot org has what appears to be a whole manuscript of it --

Katha Sarit Sagar Somadeva Alm 17 Shlf 3 3655 Sahitya

The same site has at an almost complete printed edition, that has far less mistakes --

The Kathasaritsagara by Somdevabhatta; Durgaprasad (Ed. by)

You can read an English translation at wisdomlib dot org --

Kathasaritsagara (the Ocean of Story)

603 letters. -- 99000randomthings.bse 179 -- popularity 1

1683 fish index manual

notes to the fish glossary ←

chunk 94: about some Sanskrit works

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