about labels ←

chunk 59: the tiG groups

→ special roots

tiptasjhi are the third person flat tiG affixes tip tas jhi.
about tip
mibvasmas are the first person flat tiG affixes mip vas mas.
sipthastha are the second person flat tiG affixes sip thas tha.
tAtAJjha are the third person bent tiG affixes ta AtAm jha.
thAsAthAMdhvam are the second person bent tiG affixes, thAs AthAm dhvam.
iDvahimahiG are the first person bent tiG affixes, iT' vahi mahi.

(/tiptasjhi) (/tipt)

tiptasjhi are the third person flat tiG affixes tip tas jhi.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1178

Examples --

car + laT tipcar + zap + tipcarati "walks"

car + laT tas → .. → caratas "both walk"

car + laT jhicara + jhicara + anti''' atoguNe caranti "they walk"

bhI + laT jhibibhI + jhibibhI + ati'''bibhyati "they are afraid"

Inria codenames --

tip = ac sg 3

tas = ac du 3

jhi = ac pl 3

187 letters. -- 9400tiGendings.bse 21 -- popularity 109

(/tip) (/tip)

about tipmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1179

"ti(p)" is the singular affix of group tiptasjhi.

When it is used, the verb means the doer, and that doer is third person and singular.

ti(p) keeps its two letters when it replaces a Tit tense --

car + laTcar + tipcar + zap + tipcarati "walks"

car + lRTcar + tipcar + sya + tipcar + iSya + tipcariSyati "he will walk"

but when tip replaces at Git tense, itazca chops off its i --

car + laGcar + tip luGlaG acar + tiacar + zap + ti itazca acar + a + t'''acarat "he walked"

car + liGcar + tipcar + zap + tipcar + a + et''' atoguNe caret "he would walk"

car + lRGcar + tipcar + sya + ticar + iSya + ti luGlaG acariSyat "he would have walked"

The p label of ti(p) keeps rule hard apit is Git from working.

473 letters. -- 9400tiGendings.bse 42 -- popularity 258

(/mibvasmas) (/mib)

mibvasmas are the first person flat tiG affixes mip vas mas.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1180

Examples --

dviS + laT mip → .. → dveSmi "I hate"

car + laT vascara + vas atodIrghoyaJi carAvas "we two walk"

bhI + laT mas → .. → bibhImas "we are afraid"

Inria reader flags these as " ac sg 1, ac du 1, ac pl 1".

124 letters. -- 9400tiGendings.bse 95 -- popularity 87

(/sipthastha) (/sip)

sipthastha are the second person flat tiG affixes sip thas tha.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1181

These all translate into "you", but NOT in this website. When I say "you" in the translation of a verb, it means ONE person is meant. One of these day's I'm replacing all my "you" with "thou".


kSip + sip → .. → kSipasi "you throw"

dru + thas → .. → dravathas "you2 run"

dviS + tha → .. → dviSTha "y'all hate"

inria codenames --

sip = ac sg 2

thas = ac du 2

tha = ac pl 2

254 letters. -- 9400tiGendings.bse 100 -- popularity 69

(/tAtAJjha) (/tAtA)

tAtAJjha are the third person bent tiG affixes ta AtAm jha.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1182

Translate these as "he she it they", or leave them untranslated.

Their inria parser code names are --

ta = mo sg 3

AtAm = mo du 3

jha = mo pl 3

(Unless they follow yak, then inria shows ps instead of mo.)

Examples --

bhAS + laG ta luGlaG abhAS + taabhAS + zap + taabhASata "he said"

plu + laG AtAm luGlaG a + plu + AtAma + plava + AtAm AtoGitaH aplavetAm "both jumped"

dRz + karmaNi laG jha luGlaG adRz + jhaadRz + yak + jhaadRzya + anta''' atoguNe adRzyanta "they were seen"

307 letters. -- 9400tiGendings.bse 131 -- popularity 151

(/thAsAthAndhvam) (/thA)

thAsAthAndhvam are the second person bent tiG affixes, thAs AthAm dhvam.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1183

Translate these as "you". Use AthAm addressing two people, dhvam addressing three or more.

Their inria parser code names are --

thAs = mo sg 2

AthAm = mo du 2

dhvam = mo pl 2

( unless they follow yak, then inria shows ps instead of mo )

Examples --

plu + laG thAsplava + thAs luGlaG aplava + thAsaplavathAs "you jumped"

plu + laG AthAmplava + AthAm luGlaG aplava + AthAm AtoGitaH aplavethAm "u2 jumped"

plu + laG dhvamplava + dhvam luGlaG aplava + dhvamaplavadhvam "y'all jumped"

An example with yak --

dRz + karmaNi laG thAs luGlaG adRz + thAs yak adRzyathAs "you were seen"

393 letters. -- 9400tiGendings.bse 140 -- popularity 32

(/iDvahimahiG) (/iD)

iDvahimahiG are the first person bent tiG affixes, iT' vahi mahi.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1184

Translate these as "I, we, we". Use vahi for two people, mahi for more.

Their inria parser code names are --

iT' = mo sg 1

vahi = mo du 1

mahi = mo pl 1

( unless they follow yak, then inria shows ps instead of mo )

Examples --

plu + laG iT'plava + iT' luGlaG a + plava + iT'aplave "I jumped"

plu + laG vahiplava + vahi luGlaG a + plava + vahi atodIrghoyaJi aplavAvahi "we2 jumped"

plu + laG mahiplava + mahi luGlaG a + plava + mahi atodIrghoyaJi aplavAmahi "we jumped"

This iT' has nothing to do with the iT made by ArdhadhAtukasyeD.

341 letters. -- 9400tiGendings.bse 167 -- popularity 33

about labels ←

chunk 59: the tiG groups

→ special roots