special words ←

chunk 63: preverbs

→ DEFINITIONS --------------------------------------------------

List of preverbs.
abhi "towards, approaching"
adhi "towards, approaching"
ati "surpassing, beyond, too much"
apa "away; down; badly"
upa "near; down"
AG "coming"
anu "after"
ava "down"
dus means bad, hard to do, or evil
ku' means evil or bad
su' means good, very, or easily
ni "down"
pari "around"
pra "pre-"
prati "towards; against"
some prefixes

(/parA) (/parA)

List of preverbs.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1289

The meanings of the prAdi can be quite unpredictable. And in some cases they are meaningless (pravizati and vizati both mean "enter", Arohati and rohati are both "climb"). So take the following list as "general guidelines", not as accurate translations --

abhi "towards, approaching"

adhi "towards, approaching"

AG as in Agacchati "comes", from gacchati "goes" (not same as AG', and old name for TA)

anu "following"

apa "away; south"

ati "surpassing, beyond, too much"

ava "down; south"

ni "down"

pari "around"

parA "away, off, aside, along, on, against"

sam "coming together"

ud "up; north"

upa "near; down"

vi "all around, spreading outwards, going apart"

See also the upasarga list at learnsanskrit dor org.

594 letters. -- 9800preverbs.bse 3 -- popularity 4

1303 /pra "pre-"

(/abhi) (/ab)

abhi "towards, approaching"mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1290

0 letters. -- 9800preverbs.bse 31 -- popularity 8

556 Rootstarter !S to !s.

669 /ghu {mA sthA gA pA jahAti sA} to !I before consonant /kGit @soft.

1057 The next rules down to !!parinivibhyaHsevasita work even when /aT is in between.

1062 !syand to !S after /anu /vi /pari /abhi /ni (optionally), if meaning nonliving beings

1213 /sic' "sprinkle"

1237 /gam "go"

1289 List of [@preverb]s.

1313 /prAdi are !pra etc.

(/adhi) (/adh)

adhi "towards, approaching"mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1291

gacchati "goes"

adhigacchati "goes near, approaches"

42 letters. -- 9800preverbs.bse 31 -- popularity 10

(/ati) (/ati)

ati "surpassing, beyond, too much"mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1292

kramate "advances by steps, walks"

atikramate "goes beyond, transgresses"

59 letters. -- 9800preverbs.bse 31 -- popularity 6

44 /ec shorten into !i !u.

89 Shorten /go- and [/GI]-[/Ap]-enders when they are @latter and @subordinate.

103 (Use @bent) to [@mean the doer] of swapped action.

697 !a of /znam and /as to /lopa (before /kGit).

1289 List of [@preverb]s.

1313 /prAdi are !pra etc.

(/apa) (/apa)

apa "away; down; badly"mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C- 1293

0 letters. -- 9800preverbs.bse 41 -- popularity 4

108 (@Bent) after !jJA when meaning 'denying'.

608 !kq gets {s(uT)} after /apa when quadrupeds birds dig.

671 Optionally !mA to !mi (before /lyap).

1289 List of [@preverb]s.

(/upa) (/upa)

upa "near; down"mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1294

As in --

gacchati "goes"

upagacchati "goes near, approaches, goes to see"

vizati "goes in"

upavizati "sits down"

hasati "laughs"

upahasati "laughs down at, derides, ridicules"

132 letters. -- 9800preverbs.bse 41 -- popularity 9

112 /pra !yuj and /upa !yuj (get @bent).

181 The @unchanging, and !Asanna, !adUra, !adhika, and the [@numeral]s are compounded with another @numeral, when used as numbers.

384 After movement, @objectless, !zliS, /zIG, /sthA, /As, /vas', !jan, !ruh, !jR (/kta optionally [@means the doer]).

581 (Delete) "!a !A" of a @preverb before /eG.

607 After /sam /pari /upa, when meaning decorating, /kR gets {s(uT)}.

923 /zIG to !zay before /kGit !y.

1237 /gam "go"

1289 List of [@preverb]s.

1313 /prAdi are !pra etc.

(/AG) (/AG)

AG "coming"mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1295

The preverb A(G) expresses movement towards here --

gacchati "goes"

Agacchati "comes"

patanty ulkAH "meteors are falling"

Apatanty ulkAH "meteors are falling towards us"

In some cases, AG has no meaning --

rohati "climbs"

Arohati "climbs"

Rule aT;ku;pv;AG;nu mentions this AG so as to remind us that Natvam can skip it over when it is before a Nopadeza root --

pari + AG + naddha ikoyaNaci paryA + naddha Natvam paryANaddha-

310 letters. -- 9800preverbs.bse 50 -- popularity 25

(/anu) (/anu)

anu "after"mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1296

When anu is a preverb it can mean "after" in the sense of "following" --

gacchati "goes"

anugacchati "goes after, follows"

dravati "runs"

anudravati "runs after, chases"

anuplavate "jumps after, swims after, sails after"

With bhU, it makes "experience" --

bhavati "is there"

anubhavati "experiences"

226 letters. -- 9800preverbs.bse 70 -- popularity 7

167 [@unchanging compound]s are made by the next rules.

630 /ap- to !Up after /anu when meaning a place

658 (@Nexttolast of) /zAs to !i before /aG or @consonant /kGit affix.

1062 !syand to !S after /anu /vi /pari /abhi /ni (optionally), if meaning nonliving beings

1289 List of [@preverb]s.

1297 /ava "down"

1313 /prAdi are !pra etc.

(/ava) (/ava)

ava "down"mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1297

ava usually means "downward" --

rohati "climbs"

avarohati "climbs down, descends"

But joined to verbs meaning "go", it makes "understand" --

gacchati "goes"

avagacchati "understands"

eti "goes"

avaiti "understands"

To mean "undergo" in the sense of "experience (duress etc.)", those won't work. Use anu + bhU instead.

236 letters. -- 9800preverbs.bse 90 -- popularity 7

149 A @preverb (or /upasarga) is a /prAdi joined by sense to an action.

756 /ktvA to {(l)ya(p)} in a [/naJ]-less @compound.

930 !do !so !mA /sthA to !i before /kit !t.

1060 (!stambh to !S) after /ava when meaning 'supporting' or 'nearness'.

1289 List of [@preverb]s.

1301 /ni "down"

1313 /prAdi are !pra etc.

(/dus) (/du)

dus means bad, hard to do, or evilmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1298

This prAdi is only used as a former. It is never a preverb.

It is often found in front of action nouns with the meaning of "hard to do" --

dus + labh + khaldurlabhaH "hard to get"

duSkara- "hard to do"

dusHsaha "hard to endure"

duSprApa "hard to get"

(Notice that dus sometimes sounds like duS before p ph k kh. See id;ud-upa)

It can also be compounded in front of any noun to mean "bad" or "evil" --

durlAbhaH "a bad acquisition"

durmati- "weak-minded; evil-minded"

Those can get the su' that means "very" --

sudurlabhaH "very hard to get"

See also ku', su'.

410 letters. -- 9800preverbs.bse 112 -- popularity 6

112 /pra !yuj and /upa !yuj (get @bent).

366 (Replace /khal with) /yuc after !A.

(/ku') (/ku')

ku' means evil or badmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1299

This prAdi is only used as a former. It is never a preverb.

kupuruSa- "bad man"

kuputra- "wicked son"

See also su', dus.

88 letters. -- 9800preverbs.bse 143 -- popularity 2

(/su') (/su')

su' means good, very, or easilymmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1300

This prAdi is only used as a former. It is never a preverb.

Don't confuse it with the su affix.

sukRta- "well done"

sumahat- "very big"

sulabha- "easy to get"

See also ku', dus.

130 letters. -- 9800preverbs.bse 153 -- popularity 6

365 Add /khal to a root compounded after /ISad /dus /su' when they mean hardly or easily.

366 (Replace /khal with) /yuc after !A.

860 But if there is a @wordfinal !y !v before that first vowel, add !ai !au before the !y !v instead.

(/ni) (/ni)

ni "down"mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C- 1301

The preverb ni may mean "down" --

patati "flies"

nipatati "flies down"

utpatati "flies up" (see ud)

Notice that ava too means "down".

96 letters. -- 9800preverbs.bse 187 -- popularity 8

300 Preverbless {limpa}, {vinda}, {dhAri}, {pAri}, {vedi}, {udeji}, {ceti}, {sAti}, {sAhi} get !za.

562 @Short gets /tuk before /pit /kRt.

1054 (/kric works only) when a @Sa-root or an @affix is involved.

1061 Some roots get /Satvam after /pari /ni /vi

1062 !syand to !S after /anu /vi /pari /abhi /ni (optionally), if meaning nonliving beings

1289 List of [@preverb]s.

1313 /prAdi are !pra etc.

(/pari) (/pari)

pari "around"mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1302

The preverb pari means "around" --

kUpaGM gacchati "goes to the well"

kUpamM parigacchati "goes around the well"

85 letters. -- 9800preverbs.bse 191 -- popularity 13

(/pra) (/pra)

pra "pre-"mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1303

The preverb pra may mean --

in front, forward

start to

previously, pre-


But, in the epics, it often appears to be used as filler.

Back to list of preverbs.

121 letters. -- 9800preverbs.bse 212 -- popularity 26

(/prati) (/prat)

prati "towards; against"mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1304

prati as a preverb means --


pratigacchati "goes towards"

backwards, against, counter-, back --

pratigacchati "goes back"

vijitya gAz ca prati-yAtu pArthaH "let him take the cows and go back"

pratihanti "he counterstrikes"

prativadati "speaks back, answers"

before a noun it can mean --


pratyac- "western" (has ac''')


pratiloma "against the hair"

every (only before time words)

pratidinam "every day"

329 letters. -- 9800preverbs.bse 221 -- popularity 5

167 [@unchanging compound]s are made by the next rules.

636 (Lengthen vowel) before {c(u)}.

1059 /sad to !S (after !i !u of a @preverb) except /prati.

1312 About the [@postposition]s

1313 /prAdi are !pra etc.

(/sam) (/sam)

sammmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1305

The preverb sam sometimes means "coming together", sometimes "all together" --

girim agacchan "they went to the mountain (each one on its own)"

giriM samagacchan "they went to the mountain (together); they gathered at the mountain"

It can mean also "completely", like the "up" in English "eat up" --

bhakSayatv ekaH "only one person should eat this"

samM-bhakSayatv ekaH "only one person should eat this up"

In the epics, sam often appears to be just filler. I mean to say, verbs such as samagacchat often appear to mean exactly the same thing as agacchat "came".

Back to list of preverbs.

452 letters. -- 9800preverbs.bse 253 -- popularity 9

105 After /sam, roots /gam /Rcch /pracch !svar !R !zru !vid /dRz (get @bent if @objectless).

112 /pra !yuj and /upa !yuj (get @bent).

607 After /sam /pari /upa, when meaning decorating, /kR gets {s(uT)}.

629 /ap- to !I after /dvi-, !antar, [@preverb]s.

1020 /sam to ( /ru ) before {s(uT)}.

1035 Replace /sam with !m before !rAj plus /kvip.

1061 Some roots get /Satvam after /pari /ni /vi

1313 /prAdi are !pra etc.

(/ud) (/ud)

udmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1306

The preverb ud means "up" --

patati "flies"

utpatati "flies up, takes off"

nipatati "flies down, lands" (see ni)

When not a preverb, it can mean "up" or "north".

"Up" can mean "north" because when you are "oriented", that is, looking to the Orient (rising sun), the himAlaya, which is the highest part of the country, falls to your left.

244 letters. -- 9800preverbs.bse 272 -- popularity 10

(/vi) (/vi)

vimmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1307

The preverb vi means "away" --

krINAti he buys

vikrINAti he sells

stIrNa- "spread"

vistIrNa- "spread far and wide"

dravanti "they run"

vidravanti "they run away in all directions"

IkSate "he looks"

vIkSate "he looks all around, he commands a view of"

trasta- "scared"

vi-trasta- "scared out of his wits, terrified, panicked"

zruta- "heard about"

vi-zruta- "heard about all over, famous, renowned"

In the epics, vi is often just to be ignored.

As a former before a noun, vi means "lacking, deprived of" --

vi-ratha- "deprived of his car"

vi-varNa- "discolored"

vi-yoga- "disconnection"

vi-zoka- "sorrowless"

451 letters. -- 9800preverbs.bse 280 -- popularity 18

(/nis) (/nis)

some prefixesmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1308

nis means "without" --

nis + abhra- sasaju nirabhra- "cloudless"

niS becomes niS before k kh p ph --

nis + kaNTha + kapniSkaNTaka- "thornless"

niSphala- "fruitless, resultless, failed"

129 letters. -- 9800preverbs.bse 313 -- popularity 5

89 Shorten /go- and [/GI]-[/Ap]-enders when they are @latter and @subordinate.

112 /pra !yuj and /upa !yuj (get @bent).

933 After a @vowel @preverb, (replace !dA of a /ghu) with !t (before /kit !t).

1047 Non-@affix !iH !uH to (!S before /ku /pu).

1313 /prAdi are !pra etc.

special words ←

chunk 63: preverbs

→ DEFINITIONS --------------------------------------------------