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chunk 52: FAKE RULES --------------------------------

→ the sup groups

Rules that mention particular roots work only before verb affixes, not before noun affixes.
kvip-enders don't lose rootness
Git tenses do not pass G on.
First ending by default.
L works like R.
Owner gets sixth.
yaGluks are lukclass.

(/svarUpagrahaNe) (/svarU)

Rules that mention particular roots work only before verb affixes, not before noun affixes.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1089

This is a vArttika, svarUpagrahaNe tat-pratyaye kAryam.


Rule sRjidRzo mentions the roots sRj and dRz, therefore only verb affixes make it work.

Rule mRjervRddhiH won't work on kaMsa-parimRDbhiH.


Rule acoJNiti does not mention any roots. Therefore it is triggered by root affixes and by noun affixes too.

270 letters. -- 93FAKERULES.bse 59 -- popularity 2

(/kvibantA) (/kvib)

kvip-enders don't lose rootnessmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1090

The vArttika kvib-antA$ dhAtutvanM na jahati says that the kvip-ender nounbases can be considered to be roots for some purposes.

For instance, rule aciznu works on I-ender roots, therefore it also works on grAmaNI-, which is a nounbase AND is also a root by this rule, because nI was formed from nI plus kvip.

244 letters. -- 93FAKERULES.bse 93 -- popularity 1

(/naGitolasya) (/naGi)

Git tenses do not pass G on.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1091

Exception to sthAnivad.

Rule sthAnivad says that when we replace anything that has G label with another thing, the replacement will also have G label. This exception states that the replacements of liG laG lRG luG never inherit their G label.

Example. Here --

dviS + laGdviS + mip luGlaG a + dviS + mipadviS + am''' puganta adveSam "I hated"

the tip affix replaced laG, but didn't get the G label of laG. A tip with a G label would have not triggered puganta, and the form would be adviSam.

This exception is not a pANini rule, but I teach it to my students anyway. See also the note at the bottom of yAsuTpa.

461 letters. -- 93FAKERULES.bse 101 -- popularity 2

(firstendingbydefault) (fir)

first ending by default.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1092

"If no rule says which of the seven case groups of affixes must be used, the we must use first".

Rule GyApprA says that all nounbases always get a sup added after them, and if they are feminine, then maybe they a feminine affix before getting the sup. However that rule does not say WHICH of the twenty-one affixes it gets.

In a case like "I see the two lions", if I use the verb pazyAmi, then whatever nounbase means lion must get a second affix, that is, one of am au zas, because rule karmaNidvi says so. Then, of these three, we must use au, because dvyeka says so.

Now, in mAM siMhau pazyataH "the two lions see me", no rule says what case the lions get. When no rule says anything, we must use first. So it will be one of su au jas. In fact it will be au, because there are two lions.

If I want to say "the two lions are being seen", with dRzyete, again there is no rule saying what is the case affix added after the lion nounbase. So we again must use first.

737 letters. -- 93FAKERULES.bse 339 -- popularity 6

139 With verbs that mean "to like", the pleased one (is the @aim).

183 When not expressed somehow else...

188 @doer and @tool get @third.

199 "@Calling" is the /su (used to call).

(/RdvadL) (/Rdv)

L works like R.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1093

The only difference between L and R is --

when saying R, the tongue tip taps the palate for a moment at the same place as for r,

but when saying L, the contact point is at the teeth.

Other than that, grammar rules that affect R affect L as well, even though pANini didn't mention L in them.

Example --

Rule uraNra says --

"rules that replace R with aN'' will add r after the replacement"

Thanks to the principle " L works like R ", uraNra works on L too, this way --

"rules that replace L with aN'' will add l after the replacement"

Example --

kLp + zap + te''' hardsoft kalpate "it is ready"

pANini did not bother to state that R works like L as a rule. But we know he thought so because kLpi is mentioned in the rule Rd-upadhAc c' .A-kLpi-cRteH.

556 letters. -- 93FAKERULES.bse 594 -- popularity 2

570 (@Merge) !A !a with /ik into /guNa.

(ownergetssixth) (ow)

Owner gets sixth.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1094

The sixth endings are used on the word that means the owner of something else. The something else can have any ending.

For instance, adding Gas after rAma-, like this --

rAma- + Gas TAGasi rAmasya

we get rAmasya, that means either "of rAma" or "rAma has".

Examples --

rAmasya gAvaH "rAma's cows"

rAmasya gAvaH "rAma has cows"

viprANAGM gAvaH "priests have cows"

viprANAGM gAH pazyAmi "I see the priests' cows"

This is not a pANini's rule, and you don't need to teach it if you are teaching Indian students, but I teach Westerners, and for them, it is good to make this into a full lesson. In my experience, they get the idea that viprasya gauH can mean "cow of priest" very quickly, but the idea that it can also mean "priest has cow" apparently always takes months to sink in. To accelerate their learning, I make them translate "old MacDonald has a cow" into Sanskrit and sing it.

674 letters. -- 93FAKERULES.bse 641 -- popularity 2

200 The rest take the @sixth.

(yaGluksarelukclass) (ya)

yaGluks are lukclass.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1095

Which is the same thing as saying --

' the yaGluk roots get no zap. '

Exception to kartarizap, that gives zap to all sanAdyanta roots, including the yaG roots.

This is carkarItaJM ca, a vArttika to vaca::um.

See examples under yaGocica, yaGovA.

189 letters. -- 93FAKERULES.bse 707 -- popularity 4

950 (@stammer) that ends in !a of (/yaG /yaGluk) root that ends in !m gets {n(uk)}.

1389 When !kartarizap won't work.

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