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chunk 57: the sup affixes

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Table of sup affixes.

(tableofsupaffixes) (tab)

Table of sup affixes.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1146

There are seven groups of three sup affixes.

In Sanskrit grammar speak, these grups are numbered first to seventh. But in the Western grammatical tradition they have nicknames such as nominative, accusative, etc. You must learn the names if you want to use inria reader. Here are the seven groups with their inria nicknames --

first su au jas nom nominative

second am au zas acc accusative

third TA bhyAm bhis i instrumental

fourth Ge bhyAm bhyas dat dative

fifth Gasi bhyAm bhyas abl ablative

sixth Gas os Am g genitive

seventh Gi os sup' loc locative

I never use the Western nicknames in the classroom, because it's inconvenient. My kids learn to remember " amauTchaS" in less time than they need to remember "accusative". Also, saying "this word has Am" is far quicker than saying "this word has been declined in the genitive plural". Yet they end up memorizing the nicknames anyway, because when inria says a word has "g. pl.", it means it has Am.

756 letters. -- 940supaffixes.bse 3 -- popularity 14

(/su) (/su)

summmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1147

s(u) is the singular ending of group svaujas. It is added to all singular nounbases unless there is any reason to add any of the others. So, in some sense, we may say that it has no meaning.

azva- + suazvas "horse"

kapi- + sukapis "monkey"

guru- + sugurus "teacher"

su is lost after consonants --

vidyut- + su halGyA vidyut "lightning"

vAc- + su halGyA vAc coHkuH vAk "speech"

and also after Ap GI --

azvA- + su halGyA azvA "mare"

vyAghrI- + su halGyA vyAghrI "tigress"

and also after neuters --

madhu- + su svamorna madhu "honey"

except the neuters that end in a, after which it turns into m --

phala- + su atom phalam "result, fruit"

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444 letters. -- 940supaffixes.bse 21 -- popularity 202

(/au) (/W)

aummmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1148

au is the dual ending of groups svaujas and amauTchaS.

Examples --

azva- + au vRddhireci azvau "two horses"

kukkuTa- + au vRddhireci kukkuTau "two roosters"

kukkuTI- + au ikoyaNaci kukkuTyau "two hens"

au turns into zI after Ap --

azva- @f + au ajAdyataSTAp azvA- + au auGa_ApaH azvA- + zI AdguNaH azve "two mares"

and after all neuters --

ziras- + au napuMsakAcca ziras + zIzirasI "two heads"

madhu- + aumadhu + zI ikocivibhaktau madhun- + zImadhunI "two kinds of honey"

phala- + au napuMsakAcca phala- + zI AdguNaH phale "two results; two pieces of fruit"

The words formed with first au and the ones formed with second au always sound the same --

azvau tiSThataH "two horses stop" (this got the au from svaujas)

azvau pazyAmi "I see two horses" (this got the au from amauTchaS)

(There is an extremely uncommon vedic exception to that, but NVM.)

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557 letters. -- 940supaffixes.bse 40 -- popularity 63

(/jas) (/jas)

jasmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1149

(j)as is the singular ending of group svaujas. It is added to all plural nounbases unless there is any reason to add anything else. So, in some sense, we may say that it has no meaning.

suhRd- + jassuhRdas "friends"

azva- + jasazvAs "horses"

azvA- + jasazvAs "mares"

kukkuTI- + jaskukkuTyas "hens"

jas is strong, and that makes it trigger several special rules --

pitR- + jas RtoGi pitar- + jaspitaras "fathers"

gomat- + jas ugidacA gomant + jasgomantas "cattleowners"

After a neuter, jas and zas turn into zi.

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394 letters. -- 940supaffixes.bse 96 -- popularity 102

(/am) (/am)

ammmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1150

am is the singular affix of the second group, amauTchaS. Like the other seconds, it is used mostly when rule karmaNidvi says so.

Some examples after consonants:

pitR- m + am RtoGi pitar- + ampitaram "father"

suhRd- m + amsuhRdam "friend"

vidyut- @f + amvidyutam "lightning"

apsaras- @f + amapsarasam "a nymph"

anuSTubh- @f + amanuSTubham "a stanza"

am turns into m after vowels --

azva- + am amipUrvaH azvam "horse"

azvA- + am amipUrvaH azvAm "mare"

gajI- + am amipUrvaH gajIm "elephantess"

The above examples are all masculine or feminine. The neuters get am too, but it disappears by svamorna --

manas- @n + am svamorna manas "mind, thoughts, feelings"

madhu- @n + am amipUrvaH madhum svamorna madhu "honey"

unless it's an a-ender, then exception atom prevents svamorna --

phala- @n + am amipUrvaH phalam "result"

Back to table of sup affixes .

567 letters. -- 940supaffixes.bse 111 -- popularity 70

(/zas) (/zas)

zasmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1151

(z)as is the plural affix of the second group, am au zas, amauTchaS.

When a word might have zas, inria flags it with "acc pl".

The label z in (z)as just helps to tell it appart from other as affixes, such as jas, Gasi, and Gas. Do not confuse this zas with another affix, zas', that has a real z.

It is used mainly when rule karmaNidvi says so. For instance, with the object of pazyAmi "I see" --

siMhAn pazyAmi "I see lions" ( zas)

yoginaH pazyAmi "I see yogis" ( zas)

The zas enders look like the jas enders after many nounbases, for instance nounbases that end in consonant or Ap --

yoginaH pazyAmi "I see yogis" ( zas)

yoginaH patanti "yogis are falling" ( jas)

azvAH pazyAmi "I see mares" ( zas)

azvAH patanti "mares are falling" ( jas)

But they look different after others, for instance the GI enders, and the masculines ending in a i u R an --

kukkuTIH pazyAmi "I see hens" ( zas)

kukkuTyaH patanti "hens are falling" ( jas)

azvAn pazyAmi "I see horses" ( zas)

azvAH patanti "horses are falling" ( jas)

rAjJaH pazyAmi "I see kings" ( zas)

rAjAnaH patanti "kings are falling" ( jas)

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827 letters. -- 940supaffixes.bse 160 -- popularity 57

(/TA) (/TA)

TAmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1152

(T)A is the singular affix of the third group, TAbhyAmbhis, and mostly translates into "by" or "with". It is called A(G) sometimes.

TA looks like A after most nounbases --

vidyut- + TAvidyutA "with lightning"

Atman- + TAAtmanA "by oneself"

azvA- + TA AGicApaH azve + TA ecoya azvayA "by mare"

vyAghrI- + TA ikoyaNaci vyAghryA "by tigress"

kapi- + TA AGonAstriyAm kapi- + nAkapinA "by monkey"

guru- + TA AGonAstriyAm guru- + nA Natvam guruNA "by teacher"

But a combined with TA makes ena or eNa --

azva- + TA TAGasi azva- + ina AdguNaH azvena "with horse"

candra- + TA TAGasi candra- + ina AdguNaH candrena Natvam candreNa "with the Moon"

This affix TA is called AG' in rules

AGicApaH " Ap to e before TA"

where the word AGi means "before TA"


AGonAstriyAm " TA of non- feminines to nA".

where the word AGas means "replace TA"

The kAzikA says that this A(G) was the old name of the affix before pANini changed it into (T)A --

AG' iti pUrvAcArya-nirdezena tRtIy%aikavacanaGM gRhyate

Back to TAbhyAmbhis.

665 letters. -- 940supaffixes.bse 233 -- popularity 64

(/bhyAm) (/bhyA)

bhyAmmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1153

bhyAm is the dual affix of the third, fourth and fifth groups ( TAbhyAmbhis, GebhyAmbhyas and GasibhyAmbhyas). It therefore can translate into "with, by, to, from".

azva- + bhyAm supica azvAbhyAm "with two horses"

azvAbhyAm "to two horses"

azvAbhyAm "from two horses"

amerikA- + bhyAmamerikAbhyAm "with North and South America"

amerikA- + bhyAmamerikAbhyAm "to North and South America"

amerikA- + bhyAmamerikAbhyAm "from North and South America"

Back to TAbhyAmbhis.

Back to GebhyAmbhyas.

Back to GasibhyAmbhyas.

398 letters. -- 940supaffixes.bse 272 -- popularity 14

(/bhis) (/bhi)

bhismmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1154

bhis is the plural affix of the third group ( TAbhyAmbhis).

It means "with", or "by", mostly "by".

It stays after most nounbases --

guru- + bhisgurubhis "with teachers"

vidyut- + bhis jhalAJjazonte vidyudbhis "with flashes of lightning"

But changes after a --

azva- + bhis atobhisa_ais azva + ais vRddhireci azvais "with horses"

Back to TAbhyAmbhis.

228 letters. -- 940supaffixes.bse 280 -- popularity 40

(/Ge) (/Ge)

Gemmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1155

Ge is the singular ending of the fourth group, GebhyAmbhyas. It means "to".

rakSas- + GerakSase "to demon"

For instance, in these sentences, rakSas- gets Ge because of rule aim gets fourth --

akSipann azmAni rakSase kapayaH "monkeys threw stones at demon"

kSiptAny azmAni rakSase kapibhiH "monkeys threw stones at demon"

Ge sounds like e after mostly everything --

rakSas- + GerakSase "at demon"

guru- + Ge gherGiti guro + e ecoya gurave "at teacher"

kapi- + Ge gherGiti kape + e ecoya kapaye "at monkey"

pitR- + Ge ikoya pitre "at father"

rAjan + Ge alloponaH rAjn- + e stozzcu rAjJe "at king"

But not after --

a-enders, that turn a + Ge into Aya --

rAmAya zaram akSipat "he shot an arrow at rAma"

(See GeryaH.)

and many feminines, that turn Ge into ai --

namasH sarasvatyai "homage to sarasvatI"

(See ANnadyAH, yADApaH, GerAm.)

571 letters. -- 940supaffixes.bse 322 -- popularity 32

(/bhyas) (/bhya)

bhyasmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1156

bhyas is the plural ending of groups GebhyAmbhyas GasibhyAmbhyas

An example of fourth bhyas --

kSiptAny azmAni vRkSebhyaH "stones were thrown at trees"

and an example of fifth bhyas --

vRkSebhya udapatan khagAH "birds flew away from trees"

Back to GebhyAmbhyas.

Back to GasibhyAmbhyas.

232 letters. -- 940supaffixes.bse 368 -- popularity 19

(/Gasi) (/Gasi)

Gasimmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1157

(G)as(i) is the singular affix of the fifth group ( GasibhyAmbhyas), so it means "from" or "because".

The i label makes rule TAGasi work. So, after a nounbases, Gasi becomes At --

purAd Agacchati "he's coming from the city"

kopAd rudati na zokAt "he's crying from anger not from sadness"

vRkAd bibheti "she's afraid FROM the wolf" (seee bhItrA)

vRkAt tAM rakSati "he's protecting her from the wolf"

When TAGasi does not work, the words with Gasi will look exactly like the words with Gas --

vidyut- + Gasividyutas "because of lightning"

pitR- + Gasi Rta_ut pitus "from Dad"

guru- + Gasi gherGiti guro- + as GasiGasozca guros "from teacher"

giri- + Gasi gherGiti gire- + as GasiGasozca gires "from mountain"

azvA- + Gasi yADApaH azvA + yAsazvAyAs "from mare"

vyaghrI- + Gasi ANnadyAH vyAghrI + As ikoyaNaci vyAghryAs "from tigress"

Words that have At, like purAt "from the city", will be split by inria reader into

pura- + abl sg.

If TAGasi has not worked, like in guros, inria will say

guru + ( abl sg / g sg),

because it has no way to know if this word got Gasi ( abl sg) or Gas ( g sg).

742 letters. -- 940supaffixes.bse 384 -- popularity 32

(/Gas) (/Gas)

Gasmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1158

(G)as is the singular affix of the sixth group ( GasosAm). It mostly means "of".

vidyut- + Gasvidyutas "because of lightning"

pitR- + Gasi Rta_ut pitus "of Dad"

guru- + Gas gherGiti guro- + as GasiGasozca guros "of the teacher"

giri- + Gas gherGiti gire- + as GasiGasozca gires "of a mountain"

azvA- + Gas yADApaH azvA + yAsazvAyAs "of mare"

vyaghrI- + Gas ANnadyAH vyAghrI + As ikoyaNaci vyAghryAs "of tigress"

The words that have Gas usually look exactly like the words that have Gasi, with the a-enders being the only exception --

azva- + Gasi TAGasi azva + At akassa azvAt "from a horse"

azva- + Gas TAGasi azva + syaazvasya "of a horse"

Back to GasosAm

401 letters. -- 940supaffixes.bse 422 -- popularity 63

(/os) (/os)

osmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1159

os is the dual affix of the sixth and seventh groups ( GasosAm and Gyossup) --

prAvRS- + osprAvRSos "of two rainy seasons"

prAvRS- + osprAvRSos "in two rainy seasons"

This affix always looks like os --

guru- + os ikoyaNaci gurvos "of two teachers"

pitR- + os ikoyaNaci pitros "of parents"

gomat- + osgomatos "of two cattleowners"

But when os comes after a or Ap, you can't tell if it was after a or after Ap --

azva- + os osica azve + os ecoya azvayos "of two horses"

azvA- + os AGicApaH azve + os ecoya azvayos "of two mares"

Back to GasosAm

Back to Gyossup

371 letters. -- 940supaffixes.bse 440 -- popularity 16

(/Am) (/Am)

Ammmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1160

Am is the plural affix of the sixth group ( GasosAm). It mostly means "of" or "have" --

gavAM zRGgANi "cows have horns"

gavAM zRGgANi "cows' horns, the horns of the cows"

Back to GasosAm.

138 letters. -- 940supaffixes.bse 473 -- popularity 34

(/Gi) (/Gi)

Gimmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1161

(G)i is the singular affix of the seventh group, Gyossup. It means "in, on, at".

vRkSe kapayaH "monkeys are on tree"

vRkSe puttikAH "termites are in tree"

Back to Gyossup

128 letters. -- 940supaffixes.bse 480 -- popularity 42

(/sup') (/sup')

sup'mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1162

su(p) is the plural affix of the seventh group, Gyossup. It means "in, on, at".

It always looks like su --

azvAsu matkuNAH "fleas are on mares"

or like Su, if kric works --

kapi- + sup'kapisu kric kapiSu

kapiSu matkuNAH "fleas are on monkeys"

When it comes after a, it changes that a into e, and then kric happens --

azva- + sup' bahuvacanejhalyet azve- + su kric azveSu

azveSu matkuNAH "fleas are on horses"

Back to table of sup affixes .

301 letters. -- 940supaffixes.bse 490 -- popularity 40

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