list of example sentences
- .A samudrAt. "up to the sea"
- .A te suparNA aminantaM evaiH kRSNo nonAva vRSabho yadIdam. " Thy well-winged flashes strengthen in their manner, when the black Bull hath bellowed round about us. "
- .a-brAhmaNaH puram. "there are no brahmins in the city"
- .a-brAhmaNaH saH. "he's not a brahmin"
- .a-rakSasaM vanam. "the forest is demon-free"
- .abhito grAmam. "near the village"
- .acakAs tvam. "you shone"
- .acakAt tvam. "you shone"
- .Acarati kAkaH zyena:: iva. "the crow behaves like a hawk"
- .AcAryakaM jJAnam. "teacherly knowledge"
- .adaH phalam. "that fruit"
- .adbhiH kUpAd udaktAbhir asmAbhir guravo 'JcitAH. "and we drew water from the well and honored our gurus with it"
- .adharmAd viramati. "he stops evil"
- .adharmAj jugupsate. "he despises evil"
- .adharmaM dviSyAsma. "may we hate evil"
- .adharmebhyaz ca yacchati. "and it restrains from doing evil things"
- .adhIchAmo bhavantaM mANavakaM bhavAn upanayet. "we would like that you would teach the boy"
- .adhIte mAnavako vedam. "the boy recites the Veda"
- .adhIyAno vasati. "he lives here in order to study"
- .adhvageSu dhAvantaH zIghratamAH. "of travelers the runners are the fastest"
- .adhyApayati mANavakaM vedam. "he makes the boy recite the Veda"
- .adri- [@m]. "stone"
- .adyazvInA vaDavA. "a mare likely to give birth today or tomorrow"
- .adyazvInaM maraNam. "inminent death"
- .adyazvIno viyogaH. "inminent separation"
- .Agaccha bho devadattA3. "come here, devadattaaaa!"
- .Agacchac chunA. "he came with his dog"
- .agacchad devadattaH. "did devadatta just leave?"
- .Agaccham apazyam ajayam. "I came. I saw. I conquered."
- .Agacchanti dviSantaH. "enemies come"
- .Agacchati dviSan. "an enemy comes"
- .Agacchati rAmaH kapinA plavamAnena. "rAma's coming with a jumping monkey"
- .Agamya dRSTvAjayam. "I came, I saw, I conquered."
- .agAsAtAM grAmau devadattena. "two villages were gone to by devadatta"
- .AgataH kaz cit. "someone came"
- .AgataH ko 'pi. "someone came"
- .AgataH saputro vipraH. "the priest came with son(s)"
- .Agatau saputrau viprau. "the two priests came with son(s)"
- .AgatavAn devas sabRhaspatiH. "a god came with bRhaspati"
- .Agatavantau devau sabRhaspatI. "two gods came with bRhaspati"
- .Agatavanto devAs sabRhaspatayaH. "the gods came with bRhaspati"
- .Agato hara:: umayA saha. "ziva came with umA"
- .Agato hara:: umayA saha. "ziva came with umA"
- .Agato hara:: umayA saha devyA. "ziva came with the goddess umA"
- .Agato haraH sahomayA. "ziva came with umA"
- .Agato rAjA sa-kSattRkaH. "the king came with his charioteer"
- .Agato rAjA sa-rAjJIkaH. "the king came with the queen"
- .agniM cikyAnaH. "he consecrated the fire"
- .agniM cikye. "he consecrated the fire"
- .agniM kurvANaM kapim apazyam. "I saw a monkey making fire"
- .agniM kurvantaM kapim apazyam. "I saw a monkey making fire"
- .ahaM ca tvaM ca pacAvaH. "both you and me cook"
- .ahaM ca tvaM ca pacyAvahe. "both you and me are being cooked"
- .aham IJIgo montoya yujyatAM pitRhan tsaruH. "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare your sword."
- .ahaM vai kurubhir yotsyAmy avajeSyAmi te pazUn. "I will fight with the Kurus and recover the cattle for you"
- .aity azvaH. "the horse is coming"
- .ajA + gacchati. "the she-goat goes"
- .ajAs + anayat. "he led the she-goats"
- .ajAs + gacchanti. "the goats go"
- .aJcitA asya guravaH. "his gurus were honored"
- .aJcitA asya guravaH. "his teachers were honored"
- .ajo grAmaM mayA nItaH. "I led the goat to the village"
- .akAri kaTaH. "a mat was made"
- .akAri kaTo mayA. "a mat was made by me, I made a mat"
- .akarot kA. "who (which one of the girls) did it?"
- .akSarAdhikyam ArSam. " the excess of syllables is a thing of the old language "
- .akSauhiNInAM tisRNAM patiH. "lord of three akSauhinis"
- .akSipad dhanuSA bANam. "he shot arrow with bow"
- .akSipann azmAni rakSase kapayaH. "monkeys threw stones at demon"
- .alaM bAle rodanena. "enough, girl, with crying!"
- .alaM bAle ruditvA. "enough, girl, with crying!"
- .amI azvAH. "those horses"
- .AmraM kSiptavAn aham. "I threw a mango"
- .an-AhatAH pANDavAnAM nadanti paTahAH kila. " while those of the pANDavas yield sounds without being struck. "
- .Anayad odanaM dAsaH. "the servant brought rice"
- .AnAyayam odanaM dAsena. "I made the servant bring rice"
- .aNDaM kSiptavatI tvam. "you (@f) threw an egg"
- .aNDaM tvaM kSiptavAn. "you threw an egg"
- .annasya hetor vasati. "he lives there because of the food"
- .antikAd grAmasya. "near the village"
- .antikaM grAmasya. "near the village"
- .antikena grAmasya. "near the village"
- .anusyandate matsya udake. "the fish runs along with the water"
- .anuSyandete matsyodake. "fish and water run along"
- .anusyandete matsyodake. "fish and water run along"
- .apacan mRgaM rAjA. "the king cooked the deer himself"
- .apAcayan mRgaM rAjA. "the king made his servants cook the deer"
- .apakirate vRSabhaH kruddhaH. "the bull scrapes the ground angrily"
- .apAsId rAjA. "the king ruled"
- .apaskirate vRSabho hRSTaH. "the bull scrapes the ground in joy"
- .Apatanty ulkAH. "meteors are falling towards us"
- .apazyam bhujagaM hatam. "I saw a killed snake; I saw that the snake had been killed."
- .apazyan + uSTrAn. "they saw camels"
- .api taiH saMgataM mArgaM vayam apy Aruhemahi. "Will we too ascend the path that was trod by them?"
- .apy asti garbhaH. "is she pregnant?"
- .arakSasam imaM lokaM kartAsmi nizitaiz zaraiH. "I shall make this world rAkSasa-less with my arrows!"
- .araNye tilakAH. "there are sesames in the forest"
- .araNye tilakAH. "there are sesame plants in the forest"
- .ArNavaH siMhaH. "sea lion"
- .ArNavaz coraH. "pirate"
- .Asata kaTe biDalAH. "cats sat on mat"
- .asau hayaH. "that horse"
- .asau hayI. "that mare"
- .Asitam devadattena. "John sat"
- .AsitavyaM tvayA. "you must sit"
- .asmabhiH sA kathA zrAvyA. "that story must be heard by us"
- .asmabhiH sA kathA zrAvyA. "we must hear that story"
- .asmi kumbhasya kartA. "I am the maker of the pot"
- .asmi kumbhasya kartrI. "I am the makeress of the pot"
- .asmin zAstrANi kramante. "the zAstras grow strong in him"
- .Aste rAma lakSmaNena. "rAma is sitting with lakSmaNa"
- .Aste rAma lakSmaNena saha. "rAma is sitting with lakSmaNa"
- .Aste rAma lakSmaNena sArdham. "rAma is sitting with lakSmaNa"
- .Asyata kaTe biDalaiH. "cats sat on mat"
- .Asyate bhavatA. "you are sitting"
- .atha kena prayukto 'yaM pApaM carati pUruSaH. "what compels one to do evil?"
- .atha vA. "or rather"
- .atiri kulam. "super-rich family"
- .Atmanas senAm. "his army, her army, my army, their army..."
- .Atmano hayAn. "his horses, her horses, my horses, their horses..."
- .atti kapiH. "monkey is eating"
- .aupAdhyAyakaM jJAnam. "teacherly knowledge, knowledge derived from a teacher"
- .avamohanAni vevIyante 'vamohanavikretAraH. "dealers hide narcotics very carefully"
- .avaSTabdhA senA. "the nearby army"
- .avastabdho vRSalaH zItena. "the zUdra is afflicted with cold"
- .avaSTabhya tiSThati. "he stands supporting himself on a staff or something"
- .Ayacchate pANim. "pulls in his hand"
- .Ayacchati pANim. "pulls in someone else's hand"
- .AyuSmAn vardhatAm. "live long and prosper"
- .AyuSmAn vardheta. "live long and prosper"
- .AyuSmAn vardhiSISTa. "live long and prosper"
- .azAyi kaTe. "lying down happened on a mat"
- .azAyi kaTe tena. "he lay down on a mat"
- .azva eSa mayA dRSTaH. "I saw this horse"
- .azvAH paJca. "five horses"
- .azvAH patanti. "mares are falling"
- .azvAH patanti. "horses are falling"
- .azvAH pazyAmi. "I see mares"
- .azvair nadI tIrNA. "river was crossed by horses"
- .azvaM kam icchasi. "which horse would you like?"
- .azvAn pazyAmi. "I see horses"
- .azvAn pazyAmi. "I see horses"
- .azvAsu matkuNAH. "fleas are on mares"
- .azvau carataH. "two horses walk"
- .azvau pazyAmi. "I see two horses"
- .azvau tiSThataH. "two horses stop"
- .azvAz caranti. "horses walk"
- .azvAz caranti. "horses walk"
- .azvAz caranti. "horses walk"
- .azvaz carati. "horse walks"
- .azvena dRzyante kapayaH. "horse is seeing monkeys"
- .azvena kapayo dRSTAH. "horse saw monkeys"
- .azvena kukkuTyo dRSTAH. "horse saw hens"
- .azveSu matkuNAH. "fleas are on horses"
- .azvo mayA dRSTa eSaH. "I saw this horse"
- .azvo mayA dRSTaH saH. "I saw that horse"
- .azvo mayA sa dRSTaH. "I saw that horse"
- .azvo ramate. "horse has fun"
- .bahu-parivrAjakA mathurA. "there are many wandering mendicants in mathurA @f"
- .bahudaNDI rAjA. "the king has many security staff"
- .bahudaNDiko rAjA. "the king has many security staff"
- .bahuvRtrahANi rAjyani. "heavily militarized kingdoms"
- .bakaH kacchapovA. "a crane or a turtle"
- .bakovA kacchapovA. "either a crane or a turtle"
- .balAn ghaTAn kariSyataH pazyAmi. "I see that the boys are about to make pots"
- .bhagavan kiM karomi te. "what do I do for you?, what can I do for you?"
- .bhagavan svAgataM te 'stu kim ahaM karavANi te. "welcome, your holiness! what shall I do for you?"
- .bhakSayatv ekaH. "only one person should eat this"
- .bhartrA 'haM prahitas tubhyaM rAmeNAkliSTakarmaNA. "Your untiring husband rAma sent me to you."
- .bhavAn sIdati. "you are sitting"
- .bhavantaH pramANAH. "the decision is up to y'all"
- .bhavApyayau hi bhUtAnAM zrutau tvatto mayAnagha. "I have heard from you the creation and destruction of creatures, o sinless one"
- .bhavati me prArthanA vyAkaranam adhIyIya. "I have a prayer that I'd study grammar"
- .bhavatyA nAma kim. "what's your name?"
- .bhAvyaM puruSair vIryavadbhiH. "men must be courageous"
- .bhayAd raNAd uparataH. "he fled from the battlefield because of fear"
- .bhekaM rAjaputraM karoti yogI. "the sorcerer turns the prince into a frog"
- .bheko rAjaputro bhavati. "the prince turns into a frog"
- .bhidelimAni kASThAni. "these logs split easily"
- .bhojaM bhojaM vrajati. "he eats and eats and then leaves"
- .bhojayati mANavakam odanam. "he makes the boy eat rice"
- .bhoktum icchati. "wants to eat, is hungry"
- .bhrAtarau zarAn kSipataH. "the two brothers shoot arrows"
- .bhrAtRbhyaM zarAH kSipyante. "the two brothers shoot arrows"
- .bhRzaM krAmati. "he walks a lot"
- .bhRzaM sazimiM lumpati. "he's cutting sashimi very intently"
- .bhuGkte mANavaka odanam. "the boy eats rice"
- .bhujagaM hatavAn aham. "I killed the snake"
- .bhuJjate yavanAH zayAnAH. "the Greeks eat lying down"
- .bhuktaM mayA. "I ate"
- .bhuktvA bhuktvA vrajati. "he eats and eats and then leaves"
- .bhUta-bhartR ca taj jJeyaM grasiSNu prabhaviSNu ca. "it is the supporter of beings, their devourer and overlord"
- .bhUtAny api dadarza sA. "she saw the ghosts too (not just the demons)"
- .biDAlaM kaNDUyati. "he scratches the cat"
- .biDalasya gatasya. "after the cat left, when the cat is gone"
- .biDale gate. "after the cat left, when the cat is gone"
- .bobhUyate pizAcI sA zapAt phyonA nizAgame. "because of a curse, that Fiona keeps turning into an ogress at nightfall"
- .bodhayati mANavakaM dharmam. "he makes the boy learn his duty"
- .brAhmaNaH paThati. "a brahmin chants"
- .brAhmaNau paThataH. "two brahmins chant"
- .budhyate mANavako dharmam. "the boy learns his duty"
- .caNakA ime pacelimAH. "these chickpeas cook easily"
- .carAmy aham. "I move"
- .ciraM jIvatu bhavAn. "may you live long"
- .ciraM jIved bhavAn. "may you live long"
- .ciraM jIvyAd bhavAn. "may you live long"
- .citra-gatA narI. "the woman in the picture"
- .dadarza sA 'pi bhUtAni. "she too saw the ghosts (like I did)"
- .dadAti bahuzo rAjA. "the king gives abundantly, the king gives diversely"
- .dadAty alpazo rAjA. "the king gives scantily"
- .dadhi dattam. "curds were given"
- .daNDaizca zilAbhizca prahRtya yuddhyante. "they fight hitting each other with sticks and stones"
- .daridrataM brAhmaNaM pazyAmi. "I can see that the brahmin is poor"
- .darzayati rAjAnaM bhRtyaiH. "he makes the servants see the king"
- .dAtaM barhiH. "the barhis grass was reaped"
- .devA$ guravaiH saha. "gods with teachers, gods and teachers"
- .devA$ guravaz ca. "gods and teachers"
- .devA$ guruNA saha. "gods with their teacher"
- .devA$ guruz ca. "the gods and their teacher"
- .devadattAya hnute. "avoids devadatta"
- .devadattAya zapate. "curses devadatta"
- .devadattAya zlAghate. "praises devadatta"
- .devAH saguravaH. "the devas and their teacher bRhaspati"
- .devAnAm api jetAram taM sarve samare viduH. "all know him to be the conqueror of even gods in battle"
- .devAnAm api jetAraM taM viduH pArthivA raNe. "kings know him to be the conqueror of even gods in battle"
- .devAsurAH saguravaH. "the devas, the asuras and their two teachers bRhaspati and zuka"
- .devAsurAH saguravaH. "the devas and @many teachers"
- .devI nRtyati helAyAm. "the queen is dancing in the moonlight"
- .devI uvAca. "The Queen. (pause). Said."
- .devo devebhir A gamat. "the god comes with the gods"
- .dhanasya hetoH. "for the sake of money"
- .dharmaM jijJAsate. "wants to know good from evil"
- .dharmAt pramAdyati. "he neglects justice"
- .dhArtarASTrasya sainyeSu bherINAM nAsti nisvanaH. " The drums in the army of dhRtaraSTra's son yield no sounds, "
- .dhig grAmam. "screw the village!"
- .dhRtarASTrasya ca bhrAtA pANDoz cAmitabuddhimAn. "he was very intelligent, and was the brother of dhRtarASTRa and pANDu"
- .dhur- [@f]. "yoke"
- .divasaM paThati. "recites all day long"
- .dIvyantI brAhmaNI. "a gambling brAhmaNI"
- .dIvyantI rakSasI. "two gambling male demons"
- .doSAn apy asya me brUhi yadi santIha ke cana. "tell me his defects too if there are any"
- .dRSadvantaH parvatAH. "the Rocky Mountains"
- .dRSTA 'zvena. "horse saw me (female speaking)"
- .drSTA nadI. "the river was seen"
- .dRSTaH kapir azvena. "horse saw monkey"
- .dRSTavAn arNavaM rAmaH. "rAma saw the sea"
- .dRSTavAn azvaH kapim. "horse saw monkey"
- .dRSTavantaH kapim azvAH. "horses saw monkey"
- .dRSTavatI kapim azvA. "mare saw monkey"
- .dRSTe: aje: anaDuhA. "the ox saw two she-goats"
- .dRSTo 'zvena. "horse saw me (male speaking)"
- .drSTo giriH. "the mountain was seen"
- .dRzyantAM ca gRhANIti rAjA svajanam abravIt. "And the king said to his relatives 'look at the house' "
- .dRzyante 'zvena kapayaH. "horse sees monkeys"
- .dRzyante kapayaH. "something is seeing monkeys"
- .dRzyante kapibhiH siMhAH. "monkeys see lions"
- .dRzyate gajo kapibhiH. "monkeys see elephant"
- .dRzyate gajo kapibhyAm. "two monkeys see elephant"
- .dRzyate gajo mayA. "I see elephant"
- .dRzyate kapibhiH siMhaH. "monkeys see lion"
- .dRzyate kapibhiH siMhaH. "monkeys see lion"
- .dRzyate kapinA siMhaH. "monkey sees lion"
- .dRzyate kapir azvena. "horse sees monkey"
- .dRzyate mayA. "it is being seen by me; I see it"
- .dRzyate mayA siMhaH. "I see lion"
- .dRzyate siMho mayA. "I see a lion"
- .dRzyate taiH. "it is being seen by them; they see it"
- .dRzyate zakuniH. "someone sees a bird, a bird is being seen"
- .dRzyate zakunir mayA. "I see a bird"
- .dRzye 'ham. "I am being seen"
- .dRzye 'zvena. "horse sees me"
- .dRzye kapibhiH. "monkeys see me"
- .dRzyete siMhau mayA. "I see two lions"
- .dUrAd grAmasya. "far away from the village"
- .dUraM grAmasya. "far away from the village"
- .dUre grAmasya. "far from the village"
- .dUreNa grAmasya. "far away from the village"
- .durnimitto prabhItena dRzyate zakunir mayA. "bad-omen bird is being seen by terrified me"
- .duryodhanas sArdhaM tAbhyAm. "duryodhana with the two of them"
- .duryodhanas tAbhyAm sArdham. "duryodhana with the two of them"
- .dvi + azIti -A dvyazIti. "eighty-two"
- .dviSan saH. "he's an enemy"
- .ehy azva. "come, horse!"
- .ekadazI- [@f]. "eleventh"
- .ekaH zakti-patAka-dhRk. "one armed with lance and trident"
- .eSA [@f]. "this"
- .eSa Agacchami. "lookie, I come"
- .eSa Agato 'smi. "look, I came"
- .eSa carati. "this one walks, he walks"
- .eSA carati. "this one walks, she walks"
- .eSa siMhaH. "this lion"
- .eSas [@m]. "this"
- .etad vezma. "this house"
- .etenaiva pratItAH smo yat tvaM mukto 'dya zatrubhiH. "and we have been much gratified that thou hast today been freed from thy foes."
- .gaccha nadIm. "go to the river! (addressing one person)"
- .gacchAma nadIm. "let's go to the river!"
- .gacchata nadIm. "go to the river! (addressing @many)"
- .gacchataH sAgaraM prati. "they are going towards the sea"
- .gacchati mANavako grAmam. "the boy goes to the village"
- .gacchati vipraH putraiH saha. "the priest leaves with (his) sons"
- .gacchati vipraH sahaputraH. "the priest leaves with (his) sons"
- .gacchati vipraH saputraH. "the priest leaves with (his) sons"
- .gacchatu nadIm. "let him go to the river!"
- .gajaM tArAvalokAd yAcadhvam. "ask the elephant from tAravaloka"
- .gAm avaruNaddhi payaH. "he confines the cow the cowpen"
- .gAM dogdhi payaH. "he milks the cow the milk"
- .gamayati mANavakaM grAmam. "she makes the boy go to the village"
- .gamyatAM nadI. "let the river be gone to"
- .gandharva-dev%Asura-to yakSa-rAkSasa-tas tathA. "from gandharvas, devas, asuras, yakSas, rakshasas"
- .gatasya biDAlasya nRtyanti mUSikAH. "when cat has left mice dance"
- .gate biDAle nRtyanti mUSikAH. "when cat has left mice dance"
- .gaur AsInaH. "Sitting Bull"
- .gAva upa-dazAH. "near ten cows"
- .gavAm adhikA viMzatiH. "twenty-odd cows"
- .gavAM dugdhAnAm AgataH. "he came back when the cows were already milked"
- .gavaM duhyamAnAnAM gataH. "he left when the cows were being milked"
- .gavAM kRSNA sampannakSIratamA. "among cow breeds, the German Black Pied has the highest milk production"
- .gavAM zRGgANi. "cows have horns"
- .gavAM zRGgANi. "cows' horns, the horns of the cows"
- .gAvo 'dhika-viMzAH. "twenty-odd cows"
- .gAvo dvi-trAH. "two or three cows"
- .ghaNTAz ca vividhA rAjan hemagarbhAn tsarUn api. "bells of all kinds and hilts decked with gold"
- .gir- [@f]. "speech"
- .girau vRkSAH. "there are trees on the mountain"
- .girim agacchan. "they went to the mountain (each one on its own)"
- .giriM samagacchan. "they went to the mountain (together); they gathered at the mountain"
- .gItAH zakunInAm dRzyamAnAnAM sundaryaH. "the songs of the birds that are being seen are beautiful"
- .gItAm upazuzruvAMsam upAgaccham. "I went to see a man that had heard the song"
- .gItAm upazuzruvAn. "he heard the song"
- .gomanti kulAni. "cattleowner families"
- .gor dogdhi payaH. "from the cow he milks the milk"
- .goSu dugdhAsv AgataH. "he came back when the cows were already milked"
- .goSu duhyamAnAsu gataH. "he left when the cows were being milked"
- .grAmaM gacchati. "goes to village"
- .grAmaM gatavAn aham. "I went to the village"
- .grAmam Rte. "except the village"
- .grAmaM taM nItavAn aham. "I led him to the village"
- .grAmo gataH. "the village was gone to, someone went to the village"
- .grAmo gato mayA. "I went to the village"
- .grAmo vaH pazyati. "the village sees y'all"
- .grAmo vaH svam. "the village is your property"
- .grAmo vo dIyate. "the village is given to y'all"
- .gRhaM gacchati. "goes home"
- .gRhANa varam asmat kAGkSitaM yat. "accept from us whatever wish you want"
- .gRhANa varam asmattaH kAGkSitaM yan nararSabha. "accept from us whatever wish you want"
- .gurau dveSaH. "hate towards teacher"
- .gurU cetati kAko 'pi. "even a crow will care for his parents"
- .gurU plavete. "two teachers jump"
- .gurU: UcatuH. "both teachers said"
- .guruM zuzrUSate. "wants to serve a guru"
- .hantavyo 'rir eSa rAvaNaH. "this rAvaNa is an enemy that must be killed"
- .hantavyo rAvaNaH. "rAvaNa must be killed"
- .hanti zatrUn. "kills enemies"
- .hanumAn yudhyate vane. "hanumAn fights in the forest"
- .hanUmatA zilA kSiptA. "a stone was thrown by hanumAn"
- .hato mayA tataH sarpaH. "then I killed the snake"
- .hato rAmeNa. "he was killed by rAma"
- .hayaH siMhazca. "a horse and a lion"
- .hayaM siMhaMca pazyAmi. "I see a horse and a lion"
- .he bhUH. "hey Earth"
- .he dhIH. "hey goddess of smartness"
- .he gauH. "hey bull"
- .he grAmaNIH. "hey mayor"
- .he kadalIphala. "hey banana!"
- .he kumAri. "hey princess"
- .he lakSmi. "hey goddess of wealth"
- .he lakSmIH. "hey goddess of wealth"
- .he piNDagraH. "hey freeloader"
- .he rbhukSAH. "hey indra"
- .he sakhi. "hey friend"
- .he stri. "hey woman"
- .he vadhu. "hey young lady"
- .he zrIH. "hey Wealth"
- .he zrIH. "hey goddess of wealth"
- .heyaM duHkham an-Agatam. "future pain can and must be avoided"
- .hRSIkezaM tadA vAkyam idam Aha mahIpate. "then kRSNa said"
- .idam eSAm Asitam. "this is where they sit"
- .idaM gavAM pItam. "this is where the cows drink"
- .idaM tasya yAtam. "this is where he goes"
- .iha bhavAn AsIta. "you should sit here"
- .iha bhavAn bhuJjIta. "please stay for dinner"
- .IkSate ced kapIn azvo dRzyante kapayo 'zvena. "if horse is seeing monkeys, horse is seeing monkeys"
- .indrajid hasati. "indrajit laughs"
- .iSyate palyA pUpaH. "cookie is wanted by Polly"
- .jagAma devadattaH. "did devadatta just leave?"
- .jaghAna kaMsaM purA kRSNaH. "Did kRSNA kill kaMsa in days of yore?"
- .jaghAna pUtanAM kRSNaH. "kRSNa killed the demoness pUtanA"
- .jAjvalyate tArA. "the star shines brightly; the star twinkles"
- .jalaM meghAt. "water (is coming) from cloud"
- .janA bibhyati caurebhyaH. "people are afraid from thieves"
- .jayati rAjA. "king is winning battle"
- .jIvatAd bhavAn. "live!"
- .jIvatAt tvam. "live!"
- .jvalati tArA. "the star shines"
- .jvalati tarA bhRzam. "the star shines brightly"
- .jvalati tarA muhurmuhuH. "the star twinkles"
- .kaccit tasya vAkyaM zravyam. "maybe we should listen to what he says"
- .kadalI-phalAni pacAmi. "I cook bananas"
- .kadalI-phalAni pacAmi. "I am cooking bananas"
- .kadalIphalAni dRzyante kapinA. "monkey sees bananas"
- .kadalIphalAni kapir abhuGkta. "monkey ate bananas"
- .kadalIphalAni kapir abhuGkta. "the monkey ate some bananas"
- .kadalIphalAni kapir abhuGkta. "a monkey ate the bananas"
- .kadalIphalAni pacyante mayA. "I cook bananas"
- .kadalIphalAni pacyante tvayA. "you cook bananas"
- .kadalIphale: icchAmi. "i want two bananas"
- .kAka-peyA nadI. "the river is very shallow"
- .kAkaH zyena:: iva. "the crow is like a hawk"
- .kalayAn bhuktavAn aham. "I ate peanuts"
- .kAlo 'smi loka-kSaya-kRt. "I am Death, the Destroyer of Worlds"
- .kam azvam apazyaH. "what horse did you see?"
- .kAm upayacchasi. "which one will you marry?"
- .kAmAt krodhaH. "anger (comes) from desire"
- .kapau matkuNAH. "on monkey there are fleas"
- .kapayaH plavante. "monkeys jump"
- .kapayo 'plavadhvam. "y'all monkeys jumped"
- .kaper mAnuSo 'varohati. "man descends from monkey"
- .kapI ramete. "two monkeys have fun"
- .kapi- [@m]. "monkey"
- .kapiH pAdapAd avarohati. "monkey descends from tree"
- .kapiH plavate. "monkey is jumping"
- .kapim apazyam. "I saw monkey"
- .kapinA plavamAnena. "with a monkey that is jumping, with a jumping monkey"
- .kapInAM kadalIphalAni dadAti. "he's giving bananas to the monkeys"
- .kapir atti. "monkey is eating"
- .kapir nRtyati. "monkey dances"
- .kapiSu matkuNAH. "fleas are on monkeys"
- .kartavyau bhavatA kaTau. "two mats must be made by you, you must make two mats"
- .kaSitaM suvarNam. "tested gold"
- .kaSTaM dhiG mantraM japati vRSalaH. "wtf, a zUdra is reciting the veda!"
- .kaSTaM pUrNaM jalavyAlair vimAnaM plotR mAmakam. "drat, my hovercraft is full of eels!"
- .kaSTaM vyAkaraNam. "grammar is awfully hard"
- .kaSTAni vanAni. "deep jungles"
- .kasya hetor vasati. "why does he live there?"
- .kaTa Asta biDAlaH sa vRkSeSu kapayo 'caran. "that cat sat on mat, monkeys moved on trees"
- .kaTaM kuru3 grAmaM ca gaccha. "a mat maaake, and go to the village!"
- .kaTaM kuryAd bhavAn. "make a mat, please"
- .kaz cid bhavati vistIrNo na prastAro mama kSateH. "no extension can be wider than my wound"
- .ke vane vasanti. "who (pl) live in the forest?"
- .kena hetunA vasati. "why does he live there?"
- .khalu pAnena. "enough with drinking"
- .khalu pItvA. "enough with drinking"
- .kharam + gajam + uSTram + vyAghram + siMham + ca pazyAmi. "I see a donkey, an elephant, a camel, a tiger, and a lion"
- .kharazca gajazcoSTrazca vyAghrazca siMhazca tiSThanti. "and a donkey and an elephant and a camel and a tiger and a lion wait"
- .kharo gaja:: uSTro vyAghras siMhazca tiSThanti. "a donkey, an elephant, a camel, a tiger, and a lion wait"
- .kim asti garbhaH. "is she pregnant?"
- .kim azvam icchasi. "do you want a car?"
- .kiM bhavatyA nAma zrutam. "did you hear the name?"
- .kim icchasi. "what would you like?"
- .kiM nu khalu bho vyAkaranam adhIyIya. "should I study grammar?"
- .kimarthaM kukkuTyas taranti mArgam. "why do the hens cross the road?"
- .ko 'karot. "who did it?"
- .ko vane vasanti. "who (sg) lives in the forest?"
- .kopAd rudati na zokAt. "he's crying from anger not from sadness"
- .kramaty azvaH. "horse walks"
- .kRSNA gavAM sampanna-kSIra-tamA. "the German Black Pied has the highest milk production among cow breeds"
- .kRSNaH pakSI. "the bird is black; black bird"
- .kRttikAnAm uditAnAM nirayAma. "we set out when the Pleiades had risen"
- .kRttikAsUditAsu nirayAma. "we set out when the Pleiades had risen"
- .kSiptAny azmAni rakSase kapibhiH. "monkeys threw stones at demon"
- .kSIra-pAyiNa:: uzInArAH. "the uzInaras are milk-drinkers"
- .kukkuTI ramate. "hen has fun"
- .kukkuTIH pazyAmi. "I see hens"
- .kukkuTIM bhuGkte. "eats hen"
- .kukkuTyaH patanti. "hens are falling"
- .kukkuTyas taranti nadIm. "hens cross river"
- .kumbhaM kariSyantI brAhmaNI. "a brAhmaNI that is about to make a pot"
- .kumbham karomi. "I'm making a pot"
- .kumbhaM karoti. "he makes a pot for others"
- .kumbhaM kartAsmi. "I will make a pot"
- .kumbham kartAsmi. "I will make a pot"
- .kumbhaM kurute. "he makes a pot for himself"
- .kumbham kurve. "I'm making a pot"
- .kumbhAn kariSyantI kule. "two families that are about to enter the ceramics business"
- .kumbhAnAM kArakaH. "maker of pots"
- .kumbhAnAM kartA. "maker of pots"
- .kumbhasya kartrI sA. "she's the maker of the pot"
- .kUpaM gacchati. "goes to the well"
- .kUpaM parigacchati. "goes around the well"
- .kurUn gacchAmi. "I'm going to the kurus"
- .kurUn gacchAmi. "I'm going to the kurus"
- .kva gacchasi. "quo vadis?"
- .lakSmaNasya ziro mahat. "lakSmaNa's head is big"
- .lokAnAM bhettA. "destroyer of worlds"
- .mA bhais tvaM vipula-zroNi. "don't be afraid, tootsie!"
- .mA vanaM gaccha. "don't go to the woods!"
- .mA vanaM gamaH. "don't go to the woods!"
- .madhuraM madhu. "honey is sweet"
- .madhyA strI. "a fit wife"
- .mahad vanam. "the forest is big"
- .mahAnti gavAM zRGgANi. "horns of cows are big"
- .mahAnti gavAM zRGgANi. "cows have big horns"
- .mahArAja- [@m]. "great king"
- .mainaM zakrAvamanyathAH. "don't underestimate him!"
- .makarAn plavamAnAMs tu nidhau pazyAmi sarvataH. "but I see sharks swimming all around in the sea"
- .mAm + haniSyanti. "they will kill me"
- .mAM haniSyanty eta iti dhAvitaH. "thinking 'these are going to kill me', he ran away"
- .mANavakaM dharmaM brUte. "he teaches the kid dharma"
- .mANAvakaM panthAnaM pRcchati. "he asks the kid the way"
- .mANavako vyAkaraNAdhyayanAya kramate. "the boy studies the grammar enthusiastically"
- .mantraJ jaJjapyate brAhmaNaH. "The brahmin is botching up his /veda recitation"
- .mantraM japati japati brAhmaNaH. "the brahmin keeps reciting and reciting the veda"
- .manuSyANAM kSatriyaH zUraH. "of humans the kSatriya is the most heroic"
- .maratAt tvam. "die!"
- .mAricikam odanam. "porridge seasoned with pepper, peppered porridge"
- .maricyA saMskRtam odanam. "porridge seasoned with pepper"
- .marutvAn indraH. " indra lord of the winds"
- .mati- [@f]. "thought"
- .mayA dRzyante siMhAH. "I see lions"
- .mayA kukkuTI pakvA. "hen was cooked by me, I cooked a hen"
- .mayA mRgAH pakvAH. "deer were cooked by me, I cooked the deers"
- .mayA svayaM mRgaH pakvaH. "I cooked the deer myself"
- .megho vidyutvAn. "the cloud has (lots of) lightning"
- .mokSazAstram idaM proktaM vyAsenAmitabuddhinA. "the very intelligent vyAsa stated the mokSazAstra"
- .mRgasya zaraM rAmaH kSipati. "rAma shoots arrow at deer"
- .mRgAya zaraM rAmaH kSipati. "rAma shoots arrow at deer"
- .mUDho 'yam. "this idiot"
- .na bibheti vRkAd rAmaH. "rAma isn't afraid FROM the wolf"
- .na ca tvad anyaM pazyAmi yo na Apatsu tArayet. "and no one but you can make us overcome these disasters"
- .na cAzuzrUSave vAcyam. "don't tell it to the guy that doesn't want to hear"
- .na cAzuzrUSave vAcyam. "and it should not be told to one that does not want to hear"
- .na dadRzuH. "they did not see"
- .na hi prapazyAmi mamApanudyAd; yac chokam ucchoSaNam indriyANAm. "i cant think of anything that would remove this sadness that dries up my body"
- .na hi suptasya siMhasya pravizanti mukhe mRgAH. "deer don't go into the mouth of a sleeping lion"
- .na kas + cid + zRNoti me. "no one listens to me"
- .na kasyacid. "no one's"
- .na kaz cid duKkhabhAg bhavet. "may no one be in pain"
- .na kazcid. "no one, nobody"
- .na kiMcid. "nothing"
- .na kiMcid api jAnAti. "he knows nothing at all"
- .na kvacid. "nowhere"
- .na pazyAmi. "I don't see"
- .na supyate mayA. "I am not sleeping"
- .nakulaH sahadevo vA draupadI vA yazasvinI. "nakula or sahadeva or the renowned draupadI"
- .namaH sarasvatyai. "homage to sarasvatI"
- .namas te. "bowing to you"
- .namas te. "hi!"
- .narakAya krodhaH. "Anger leads to hell."
- .naSTaM susmUrSate. "wants to remember what is no more"
- .nAtidIrghaM nAtihrasvaM madhyaM kASTham. "a log not too long not too short just right"
- .nAtyutkRSTo nAtyavakRSTo madhyo vaiyAkaraNaH. "a grammarian not too pedantic not too ignorant just fit"
- .nayAmy ajAM grAmam. "I'm leading the goat to the village"
- .nayati bhAram devadattaH. "D. carries the load"
- .nAyayati bhAram devadattena. "he makes D. carry the load"
- .naye 'jAm. "I'm keeping the goat for myself"
- .netA bhISmaH. "bhISma is the leader"
- .netA bhISmaH senAm. "bhISma will lead the army"
- .netA bhISmaH senAyAH. "bhISma is the leader of the army"
- .netA durgA senAm. "durgA will lead the army"
- .netArau kumArau. "the two princes are the leaders"
- .netrI durgA. "the Goddess is the leaderess"
- .netrI durgA senAyAH. "durgA is the leader of the army"
- .nihanti zatrUn. "kills enemies"
- .nijAm senAm. "his army, her army, my army, their army..."
- .nijAn hayAn. "his horses, her horses, my horses, their horses..."
- .nirgacchAmy jalam AnAyakaH. "I'm going out to bring water"
- .nirgacchAmy jalam Anetum. "I'm going out to bring water"
- .nItir asmi jigISatAm. "for those that want to win, I'm strategy"
- .nItir asmi jigISatAm. "for those that want to conquer, I'm strategy"
- .nRpaM didRkSate. "wants to see the king"
- .nRpasya darzanAya puraM gacchati. "He's going to the city to see the king."
- .odanaH pakvo mayA. "porridge was cooked by me, I made some porridge"
- .odanaM dAsena pacyate. "the servant is cooking the rice"
- .odanaM pacyate mayA. "rice is cooked by me, I cook rice"
- .odanaM pacyate taiH. "rice is cooked by them, they cook rice"
- .pacAmi kukkuTIm. "I'm cooking the hen"
- .pacantI brAhmaNI. "a cooking brAhmaNI"
- .pacantI rakSasI. "two cooking male demons"
- .pacasi tvam. "you are cooking"
- .pace kukkuTIm. "I'm cooking the hen"
- .pacyase tvam. "you are being cooked"
- .paJcapUlI- [@f]. "a group of five bundles"
- .pakSiNo 'tra vanaspatau. "there are birds on this tree"
- .pakvA nRpeNa kukkuTI. "the king has cooked a hen"
- .palI pUpair icchati payaH. "Polly wants milk with cookies"
- .palI pUpam icchati. "Polly wants cookie"
- .palI pUpAn icchati payasA. "Polly wants cookies with milk"
- .palI pUpAn icchati payaz ca. "Polly wants milk and cookies"
- .pApaM carati pUruSaH. "a person does evil"
- .parazunA chinatti devadatto vRkSam. "devadatta chops off tree with axe"
- .pArthivAs taM vidur yuddhe devAnAm api jAyakam. "kings know him to be the conqueror of even gods in battle"
- .parvate patantaM zyenaM pazyAmi. "I see an eagle flying on the mountain"
- .paryAsiSAtAM gAvau vatsena. "the cows were separated by the calf"
- .pATalAn gajAn pazyati. "he sees pink elephants"
- .pATalAn gajAn pazyati. "he is seeing pink elephants"
- .patanty ulkAH. "meteors are falling"
- .paTity akarot. "it went paT!"
- .pAtrANi prayunakti. "he prepares the holy vessels"
- .pazya tvam. "please see"
- .pazyAmaH kapim. "we see monkey"
- .pazyAmi mAtRRH saputrAH. "I see mothers with sons"
- .pazyAmi pitRRn saputrAn. "I see fathers with sons"
- .pazyAmi rAjAnaM dadataM gAH. "I see that the king is giving cows"
- .pazyAmi rAjAnAM pacantam. "I see a king that is cooking"
- .pazyAmi rakSo dadad gAH. "I see that the demon is giving cows"
- .pazyAmi sumahad vanam. "I see a very big forest"
- .pazyAmi zakunim. "I see a bird"
- .pazyanti kapayaH siMham. "monkeys see lion"
- .pazyanti rAjAnaM bhRtyAH. "the servants see the king"
- .pazyanty azvAH kapim. "horses see monkey"
- .pazyati kapiH siMham. "monkey sees lion"
- .pazyati kapIn. "something singular is seeing monkeys"
- .pazyati kapIn azvaH. "horse is seeing monkeys"
- .pazyatu bhavAn. "please see"
- .pazyaty azvaH kapim. "horse sees monkey"
- .phalam ajas + icchati. "he-goat wants fruit"
- .phalavad vanam. "wood full of fruit"
- .pitas te pratijAnAmi na zlokSye 'haM kadA cana. "Father, I promise, I promise! that I won't ever make verses"
- .plavamAnA nadIM gatvA bhekA dRSTAs tadA mayA. "then I went to the river and saw jumping frogs"
- .plavante guravaH. "teachers jump"
- .plavante kapayaH. "monkeys jump"
- .plavante makarA nidhau. "sharks swim in the sea"
- .plavate zveto hariH. "white horse swims"
- .plavete kapI. "two monkeys jump"
- .plavete: azvau. "two horses jump"
- .prakRtaH kaTam devadattaH. "John started to make a mat"
- .prakRtaH kaTo devadattena. "John started to make a mat"
- .prapuSpitaH kiMzuko 'zokovA. "a kiMzuka or an azoka tree is in blossom"
- .prapuSpitaM kiMzukam azokaMvA pazyAmi. "I see a kiMzuka or an azoka tree in blossom"
- .prasuptaM mayA. "I fell asleep"
- .prasupto 'ham. "I fell asleep"
- .pratigacchataH sAgaram. "they are going towards the sea"
- .pratinandAma te vAkyaM sarvaM caiva vizAM pate. "We are well-pleased with all that thou sayest, O monarch,"
- .prazAn tarati. "he crosses calmly"
- .prazAn tarati. "he crosses calmly"
- .priyadadhnA brAhmaNena. "by a brahmin that likes curds"
- .priyasakha- [@m]. "dear friend"
- .priyasakhI- [@f]. "dear friend"
- .pUjayanti sma taM nRpam. "they honoured / greeted the king"
- .pUjayanti taM nRpam. "they honour / greet the king"
- .punar + icchati. "wants again"
- .punar aplavata (stays). "jumped again"
- .punar dravati (stays). "runs again"
- .punar hasati. "laughs again"
- .pUpAl~ lihanti makSikAH. "flies lick cakes"
- .pur- [@f]. "city"
- .purAd Agacchati. "he's coming from the city"
- .purastAd AgataH. "he came from the east"
- .purastAd rAmaNIyam. "it was pleasant earlier"
- .purastAd vasati. "he lives in the east"
- .purastAj janma. "a previous life"
- .puruSa- [@m]. "man, person (of either sex); spirit, consciousness (these are sexless)"
- .putrAbhyAM saha. "with two sons"
- .putrAdinI tvam asi pApe. "you'd eat your own kids, wench"
- .putrAdinI vyAghrI. "a tigress that eats her own cubs"
- .putraiH saha. "with sons"
- .putraiH sArdham. "with sons"
- .putrau yuvAM me kA lajjA zrUyatAM kathayAmi vAm. "you are like sons to me, why should I be ashamed? Listen, I'll tell you the whole story."
- .putreNa saha. "with son"
- .putreNa senAM ninAyayiSati rAjA. "the king wants to make his son lead the army"
- .putrIyati rAjJI. "the queen wants to have sons"
- .puttrAdinI vyAghrI. "a tigress that eats her own cubs"
- .rAjA bahvIr dadAti. "the king gives many things"
- .rAjA brAhmaNAya gAM dadAti. "king gives cow to brahmin"
- .rAjA caurebhyas trAyate. "king protects from thieves"
- .rAjA pacati. "king is cooking"
- .rAjan + Agacchat. "Your Majesty, he came"
- .rAjan + na + Agacchat. "Your Majesty, he didn't come"
- .rAjan bhuGkSva. "please eat, your Majesty"
- .rAjAnaH patanti. "kings are falling"
- .rAjAnaM gAM bhikSate. "he begs the king a cow"
- .rAjAnaM maNDUkIkaroti. "he turns the king into a frog"
- .rAjAnAM pacantam. "a king that is cooking, a cooking king"
- .rAjanyA rAja-kanyAz cApy Anayantv abhiSecanam. "let the queens and princesses bring those for your coronation"
- .rAjaputraM bhekIkaroti yogI. "the sorcerer turns the prince into a frog"
- .rAjaputro bhekIbhavati. "the prince turns into a frog"
- .rAjJA svayaM mRgaH pakvaH. "the king himself cooked the deer"
- .rAjJA tulyaH sthUlaH. "he's as fat as the king"
- .rAjJA tulyo gomAn. "he's as rich as the king"
- .rAjJaH pazyAmi. "I see kings"
- .rAjJaH putram icchaty AmAtyaH. "the minister wants the king to have a son"
- .rAkSasaM jaghanitha. "I heard you killed the demon"
- .rakSe mayA zilA kSiptA lakSmaNena zarAs tadA. "to the demon a stone was thrown by me, and by lakSmaNa arrows"
- .rAmam anugatA. "she followed rAma"
- .rAmam anugataH. "he followed rAma"
- .rAmasya gAvaH. "rAma's cows"
- .rAmasya gAvaH. "rAma has cows"
- .rAmAya zaram akSipat. "he shot an arrow at rAma"
- .rAmeNaivArNavo dRSTaH. "only rAma saw the sea, the sea was seen by rAma only"
- .rAvaNam manyamAnA mAm sItA bhItA bhaviSyati. "sItA will think I'm rAvaNa and get scared"
- .RkSv asya kramate buddhiH. "his reason goes thru the Rcs as a hot knife through butter, he can easily understand the /Rgveda"
- .rocante tasya modakAH. "he likes sweetmeats"
- .rocate me na tat phalam. "that fruit doesn't appeal to me, I don't like that fruit"
- .romaharSaz ca jAyate. "and I get the goosebumps"
- .roSam akRthAH. "you got angry"
- .sA [@f]. "that"
- .sa carati. "that one walks, he walks"
- .sA carati. "that one walks, she walks"
- .sa cchAtraH saMzRNute. "that student (always) listens attentively"
- .sA cchinatti. "she cuts"
- .sA chinatti. "she cuts"
- .sa grAmo gamyate. "that village is being gone to, someone goes to that village"
- .sa grAmo gamyate mayA. "I go to that village"
- .sa gRhya ca kumAraM taM prAvizat svagRhaM nRpaH. "the king took the prince and went home"
- .sa markaTas tad aznAti yAvad tAvad abhintta vai. "while that monkey was eating it, it burst open"
- .sa tadA vAlinaM hatvA sugrIvam abhiSicya ca. "he then killed vAlin, and sprinkled sugrIva, and..."
- .sA tvayA n%opagantavyA zUdrAtvAd eva mAriSa. "You must never go near her, as she's a zudrA and you're respectable."
- .SaDbhAryo rAjA henriH katithaH. "the king with the six wives was Henry the howmanyeth?"
- .SaDviMzaH paJcaviMzaM ca caturviMzaM ca pazyati. "the twentysixth can understand the twentyfifth and the twentyfourth"
- .saha nAv avatu. "may he protect the two of us together"
- .saJjigaMsate vatso mAtre. "the calf wants to meet his mom"
- .sakhA ca te bhaviSyAmi. "and I will be your friend"
- .sakhI ca te bhaviSyAmi. "and I will be your sister-in-law"
- .saM-bhakSayatv ekaH. "only one person should eat this up"
- .saptatikA hayI. "a mare bought by seventy"
- .sArdhaM vipraH putreNa gacchati. "priest with son goes"
- .sarpa-kiMnara-bhUtebhyo na me bhUyAt parAbhavaH. "nagas, kinnaras and ghosts there can be no defeat for me"
- .sarve sunvantaH. "all are sacrificers, all sacrifice"
- .sarve sunvanti. "all sacrifice, all are sacrificers"
- .sarveSAM sukhaM bhavatu. "may all have happiness"
- .sarveSAM sukhaM bhavatu. "may all be happy"
- .sauryaM grahaNam. "solar eclipse"
- .sauryaM jyotiH. "sunlight"
- .sauryam upanetram. "sunglasses"
- .sAvadhAno bobhUyase. "you are being extremely careful"
- .sazimiM lolupyate. "he's cutting the sashimi badly"
- .senAM vande tvayA nItAm. "I praise the army that you led"
- .siMha- [@m]. "lion, male lion"
- .siMha:: eSaH. "this lion"
- .siMha:: eSaH. "look, here's the lion!"
- .siMhAn pazyAmi. "I see lions"
- .siMhaz ca. "and a lion"
- .siMho 'nudravati mRgam. "lion after-runs deer, lion chases deer"
- .siMho dravati mRgam anu. "lion runs after deer, lion chases deer"
- .siMhy eSA. "this lioness"
- .siMhyAy astrANi cikSepa. "shot arrows at lioness"
- .sItA 'py anugatA rAmam. "sItA too followed rAma"
- .sItayA 'nugato rAmaH. "sItA followed rAma"
- .smaraNIyaM yuddham. "the war should be remembered"
- .smartavyaM yuddham. "the war must be remembered"
- .smartavyaM yuddhaM tvayA. "you must remember the war"
- .smartavyaM yuddhaM tvayA. "you must remember the war"
- .so 'yaM te bandhu-kAmAyA a-zRNvantyA vaco mama. "Led by affection for thy relatives thou didst not then hear what I said"
- .sthAlI pacaty odanam. "pot is cooking rice"
- .sthiro bhava. "be firm!"
- .sukSmatA 'sti na tu drohaK kaz cin manasi pANineH. "pANini is slick, but he ain't mean"
- .sumahad rUpam. "humongous shape"
- .sundarAH kuravaH. "the kurus are beautiful"
- .supanthAni rAjyAni. "kingdoms that have a good transportation infrastructure"
- .suptaH siMhaH. "the lion fell asleep"
- .suptaH siMhaH. "the lion is asleep"
- .suptaM mayA. "I slept"
- .suptam mayA. "I was sleeping"
- .supyate bAlaiH. "the boys are sleeping"
- .supyate bAlena. "the boy is sleeping"
- .supyate kapibhir drume. "monkeys sleep on a tree"
- .supyate kapinA. "monkey sleeps"
- .supyate mayA. "I sleep"
- .supyate mayA. "I'm sleeping"
- .supyate siMhaiH. "the lions are sleeping"
- .supyate siMhena. "lion sleeps"
- .supyate taiH. "they sleep"
- .supyate tena. "he is sleeping"
- .sUryeNa pacyase. "you are being cooked by the Sun, the Sun cooks you"
- .sutAMz ca lapsISTa3 dhanaM ca tAta. "may you sons geeeet, and wealth!"
- .svamor napuMsakAl luk. "replace /su /am after @neuter with /luk"
- .svasAraH paJca tiSThanti. "five sisters wait"
- .svasRRH paJca pazyAmi. "I see five sisters"
- .svayaM rathena yAti3 upAdhyAyaM padAtiM gamayati. "on chariot himself he gooooes, and makes his teacher go on foot! (rolls eyes)"
- .tAbhyAM duryodhanaH sArdham. "the two of them duryodhana with"
- .tad an-Rtam. "that's not true"
- .tad vezma. "that house"
- .tadA devAsure yuddhe jetAhaM tvAM zatakrato. "Then I shall defeat you in a war between devas and asuras, indra."
- .tam + pazyAmi. "I see him"
- .tAM grAmaM netum icchAmi. "I want to lead her to the village"
- .taM na jaghana. "I didn't kill him, that's just a rumor"
- .taM nUnam eSa dhAvantaM jighRkSati dhanaMjayaH. "now he's running away and arjuna is trying to catch him"
- .tAm upagacchati punaH punaH. "he approaches her again and again"
- .taM vidus samare sarve devAnAm api jAyakam. "all know him to be the conqueror of even gods in battle"
- .tAn ahan gadayA. "he killed them with a mace"
- .tAn pazyann apalAyat. "seeing them he fleed, he fleed because he saw them"
- .tapo 'kArSIH. "you practised austerities"
- .tarati nadIM hariH plavamAnaH. "horse crosses river swimming"
- .tasya cAnye 'pi diGnAgA babhUvur anuyAyinaH. "the other elephants of the quarters too became his followers"
- .tasyAvamAnaM kauravya mA sma kArSIH kathaM cana. "don't despise him in any way!"
- .tat sarvaM vismRtA kathA. "all that is a forgotten story"
- .taTaM gacchAmi. "I'm going to the shore"
- .tathoktavantaM puruSaM pratyudAharad rAvaNaH. "ravaNa replied to the man that had thusly spoken"
- .tato yudhiSThiraH pUrvaM dhanur gRhya mahAravam. "Then Y. took his noisy bow and..."
- .tatspardhAyAm ajeSyAmApatiSyan yadi vAraNAH. "we'll win that match when elephants fly"
- .te kapayaH. "those monkeys"
- .te tasmai kathayAmAsur vayaM te pitaraH svakAH. "they told him, we are your ancestors"
- .teSAM trayANAM cApAni ciccheda vizikhais tribhiH. "The bows of those three he cut with three arrows."
- .tiSThate hi suhRd yatra na bandhus tatra tiSThati. "where there's a friend (in need) there's (often) no friend (nearby)"
- .trikRtvo bhuGkte. "eats three times"
- .tubhyaM zlokam avocad vidvAn. "the sage told a stanza to you"
- .tudantI brAhmaNI. "a brAhmaNI that bullies"
- .tudantI kule. "two bullying families"
- .turaGgair eva supyate. "only the horses are sleeping"
- .turAsAham apazyam. "I saw indra"
- .tvad gacchanti. "they go away from you"
- .tvAM zlokam avocad vidvAn. "the sage told a stanza to you"
- .tvayA kaTaH kRtaz cAruH. "you made a pretty mat, a pretty mat was made by you"
- .u mA tapaH kArSIH. "heck, don't practise austerities!"
- .u mA tapaH kuru. "heck, don't practise austerities!"
- .udakaM cakratus tasmai gRdhra-rAjAya tAv ubhau. "they offered water to that king of vultures"
- .udakaM hartum gacchAmi. "I go to fetch water"
- .udakaM kapinA peyam. "monkey can drink water"
- .udakaM kretum gacchAmi. "I go to buy water"
- .udakaM pAtum gacchAmi. "I go to drink water"
- .udakAya gacchAmi. "I go for water"
- .udaktam udakaM kUpAt. "water was drawn up from the well"
- .udaktam udakaM kUpAt. "water was drawn up from the well"
- .udeti rAjan sUryaH. "the sun, your Majesty, is rising"
- .udeti suhRt sUryaH. "the sun, my friend, is rising"
- .udeti sUryaH. "the sun is rising"
- .ukhAsrat [@mfn]. "fallen from the pan"
- .uktAni saMzRNoti. "he listens attentively to the sayings"
- .upakozA tato 'vAdIt santi me deva sAkSiNaH. "Then upakozA said: I have, your majesty, witnesses."
- .upAsitA guruM sItA. "sItA sat near the teacher"
- .upAsito gurur sItayA. "sItA sat near the teacher"
- .upazliSTaM bhavatA. "you did some hugging"
- .upazliSTo guruM bhavAn. "you hugged the teacher"
- .upazliSTo gurur bhavatA. "you hugged the teacher"
- .uStry ekA. "one camelette"
- .uStryaH paJca. "five camelettes"
- .uStryas tisraH. "three camelettes"
- .uStryau dve. "two camelettes"
- .uttamAha- [@m]. "last day"
- .vadhaM draSTuM na rocaye. "I wouldn't like to see the killing"
- .vajrasya bhartA. "bearer of the Aegis"
- .vAnarasya vizeSeNa kathaM syAd abhibhASaNam. "how can a monkey know it?"
- .vAriNaH zuceH. "of clean water"
- .vAriNaH zucinaH. "of clean water"
- .varSed bhRzam. "may it rain a lot"
- .varSyAd bhRzam. "may it rain a lot"
- .vastrANi zuklIbhavanti. "the clothes whiten"
- .vAyuH sabhUmiH sAgniH. "earth wind and fire"
- .vAyuH sabhUmiH sAgnikaH. "earth wind and fire"
- .vidyutvAn meghaH. "a cloud that has (much) lightning"
- .vidyutvatI zAlA. "an electrified assembly-hall"
- .vijitya gAz ca prati-yAtu pArthaH. "let him take the cows and go back"
- .vimaladyu dinam. "a day with clear sky"
- .viprA AgatAH saputrAH. "the priests came with son(s)"
- .vipraH putraz ca gacchataH. "priest and son go"
- .vipraH putreNa gacchati. "priest with son goes"
- .vipraH putreNa saha gacchati. "priest with son goes"
- .vipraH putreNa sArdhaM gacchati. "priest with son goes"
- .vipraH sa-putro gacchati. "priest with son (or sons) goes"
- .vipraH saha putreNa gacchati. "priest with son goes"
- .vipraH saha-putro gacchati. "priest with son (or sons) goes"
- .viprANAM gAH pazyAmi. "I see the priests' cows"
- .viprANAM gAvaH. "priests have cows"
- .vIryavantaM putram icchati. "wants to have a valiant son"
- .viSIdantam idaM vAkyam uvAca madhusUdanaH. "kRSNa said these words (to arjuna), that was depressed"
- .viSIdantam idaM vAkyam uvAca madhusUdanaH. "kRSNa said these words to arjuna"
- .vismRtA kathA. "the story was forgotten"
- .viSNum avandata muktaye. "praised viSNu for liberation; praised viSNu and got liberated"
- .vistArayitR prAjJAyAs dhyAnam. "meditation is an expander of wisdom"
- .viSyandamAnena rudhireNa mUrchA. "a fainting by the loss of blood"
- .visyandamAnena rudhireNa mUrchA. "a fainting by the loss of blood"
- .vIta-bhIz cApi te rAjaJ zAtravaiH saha yotsyate. "he will fight your enemies fearlessly"
- .vizvamitro nAma mANavakaH. "a boy nicknamed friend-of-all"
- .vRkAd bibhemi. "I'm afraid from the wolf"
- .vRkAd bibheti. "she's afraid FROM the wolf"
- .vRkAt tAM rakSati. "he's protecting her from the wolf"
- .vRkSa- [@m]. "tree"
- .vRkSAd rAmo 'varohati. "rAma descends from the tree"
- .vRkSam avacinoti phalAni. "he picks down the fruits the tree"
- .vRkSaM parazunA 'cchinat. "he cut down tree with axe"
- .vRkSe kapayaH. "monkeys are on tree"
- .vRkSe puttikAH. "termites are in tree"
- .vyAghraM rAmo vane 'pazyat. "in forest rAma saw tiger"
- .vyAyacchase kauravArthe. "you are working for the kurus"
- .yadA pateyuH kAliGgAs tatspardhAyAM jayema tat. "we'll win that match when elephants fly"
- .yadi bhRzaM varSet su-bhikSaM bhavet. "if it would rain a lot, there would be lots of food"
- .yadi bhRzaM varSiSyati su-bhikSaM bhaviSyati. "if it will rain a lot, there will be lots of food"
- .yadi tu tava samAgame tathaivaM prasarati subhru tataH kRtI bhaveyam. "if the night could pass so slowly when I'm with you, cutie, I'd be happy"
- .yadi vAcam pradAsyAmi dvijAtir iva saMskRtAm. "if I talk refined speech like a brahmin"
- .yadi zakunir azakSyat tad udapatiSyat. "If the bird had been able to, he would have flown."
- .yajate putrAya. "He sponsors rituals in order to have a son."
- .yAntI brAhmaNI. "a brAhMaNI that goes"
- .yAntI kule. "two families that go"
- .yathaidhAMsi samiddho 'gnir bhasmasAt kurute 'rjuna. "just like fire turns embers completely into ash..."
- .yAto devadattena grAmaH. "John went to the village"
- .yAto devadatto grAmam. "John went to the village"
- .yena hetunA vasati. "the reason he lives there..."
- .yogin + asmAn + prasIda. "O yogi, forgive us"
- .yoginaH patanti. "yogis are falling"
- .yoginaH pazyAmi. "I see yogis"
- .yoginaH pazyAmi. "I see yogis"
- .yojanaM dhAvati. "runs five miles"
- .yuddham agacchan mRtyave. "they went to war and got killed"
- .yudhi sthiraH. "he's firm in battle"
- .yUyaM pramANAH. "the decision is up to y'all"
- .zAdhi mAm. "what are your orders?"
- .zakunayo dIyante. "birds fly"
- .zakunayo dRzyante. "birds are being seen"
- .zakunI dIyete. "two birds fly"
- .zakunI: apatatAm. "two birds flew"
- .zakunim abhuJji. "I ate bird"
- .zakunInAm dRzyamAnAnAm. "of birds that are being seen"
- .zakunInAM kAkaH paNDita-tamaH. "the crow is the smartest of birds"
- .zakunir bhuktaM mayA. "I ate bird"
- .zakunir dIyate. "bird flies"
- .zaraM kSiptavAn rAmaH. "rAma shot an arrow"
- .zarAn kSiptavAntau rAmo lakSmaNaz ca. "rAma and lakSmaNa shot arrows"
- .zarIraM staumi vidyutvat. "I sing the body electric"
- .zatam apajAnIte. "he denies the (debt of a) hundred"
- .zAyayati devadattam. "he tells D. to sleep"
- .zete devadattaH. "D. sleeps"
- .zIghrA pataty ulkA. "the meteor falls quickly"
- .zIghraM pataty ulkA. "the meteor falls quickly"
- .zilA kapinA 'kSipyata. "monkey threw stone"
- .zilA kapinA kSiptA. "monkey threw stone"
- .zilAH kSipasi. "you throw stones"
- .zilAH kSiptavAntaH kapayaH. "monkeys shot rocks"
- .zilAH kSipyante tvayA. "you throw stones, stones are thrown by you"
- .zilAM kapiH kSiptavAn. "monkey threw stone"
- .zilAM kapir akSaipsIt. "monkey threw stone"
- .zilAM kapir akSipat. "monkey threw stone"
- .zilAM kapiz cikSepa. "monkey threw stone"
- .zlokaM tvam ukto viduSA. "you were told a stanza by the sage, the sage told you a stanza"
- .zlokas tvAm ukto viduSA. "a stanza was told you by the sage, the sage told you a stanza"
- .zraddhAvAl~ labhate jJAnam. "if you are stubborn enough you will get wisdom"
- .zrIs tvAm anugRhNAti. "the goddess of wealth smiles on you"
- .zRNoti siMhaH kapim. "lion hears monkey"
- .zRNu vaptar mama giraM mA kSuraH pratiloma mAm. "barber, pay heed to my word -- don't shave me against the grain"
- .zRNutaH siMhau kapim. "two lion hear monkey"
- .zRNvanti siMhAH kapim. "lions hear monkey"
- .zrutvA kathAM te hRdayaM zata-dhA dIryate mama. "after hearing your story my heart splits into smithereens"
- .zrUyante siMhAbhyAM kapayaH. "two lions hear monkeys"
- .zrUyante siMhaiH kapayaH. "lions hear monkeys"
- .zrUyante siMhena kapayaH. "lion hears monkeys"
- .zrUyate siMhena kapiH. "lion hears monkey"
- .zrUyete siMhena kapI. "lion hears two monkeys"
- .zucer vAriNaH. "of clean water"
- .zuci vAri tat. "that clean water"
- .zucir nadI sA. "that clean river"
- .zucir vAyus saH. "that clean air"
- .zvA 'znAti tu gurU: api. "but a dog will eat even his parents"
- .zvo gamI grAmam. "he'll go to the village tomorrow, he plans to go to the village tomorrow"
- .{kaH saH}. "who's he?"
- .{kaH} {saH}. "who's he?"