the sup affixes ←

chunk 58: about labels

→ the tiG groups

ghit is what has label gh
Idit is what has label I
odit is what has label o
Nit is what has label N
zit is what has label z.
ugit is what has an uk as label.
udit is what has label u.
Ldit is what has label L.
Rdit is what has label R.
JNit means " Jit or Nit "
khit is what has label kh.
pit is what has label p.
Tit is what has label T.
kit is what has label k.
Git is what has label G.
kGit means " kit or Git ".

(itenders) (ite)

it-endersmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1151

"it" means label.

z means "the sound z".

So if a longhorn is what has long horns, a z-it is what has z label. For instance, (z)a(p) ( zap) and (z)ya(n) ( zyan) are zit affixes, and u is not a zit affix.

Therefore --

zit is what has label z

khit is what has label kh

Git is what has label G

kit is what has label k

akit is what does not have label k

udit is what has label u

(the d in udit comes from tapara and jhalAJjazonte)

This kit akit jargon helps say things short. Talking like this, no good --

"the affix Nal has the phoneme N as a label"

"the affix Nal does not have label k",

Talking like this, good --

" Nal is Nit",

" Nal is akit".

460 letters. -- 9315morelabels.bse 4 -- popularity 14

(/ghit) (/ghi)

ghit is what has label ghmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1152

The ghit affixes, such as ghaJ, trigger cajoHku.

Back to it-enders .

52 letters. -- 9315morelabels.bse 63 -- popularity 3

865 But not [/ku]-starters.

(/Idit) (/Id)

Idit is what has label Immmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1153

Rule taparasta says that Id-it means "what has label I".

Some roots have label I in the dhAtupATha, for instance dip(I) "shine". See zvIditoniSThAyAm.

116 letters. -- 9315morelabels.bse 73 -- popularity 1

(/odit) (/od)

odit is what has label ommmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1154

Rule taparasta says that od-it means "what has label o".

Some roots have an o label in front in the dhAtupATha, for instance 06.0011 lajj (o)lasj(I) "to be shy". This label o triggers oditazca.

142 letters. -- 9315morelabels.bse 82 -- popularity 1

(/Nit) (/Nit)

Nit is what has label Nmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1155

Some Nit affixes --

Nal Nic -- have N to trigger acoJNiti and ata::upa

aN -- has N to trigger taddhiteSva

su is ordinarily not Nit, but it is Nit when rules gotoNit or sakhyura say so.

Nal is ordinarily Nit, but it is aNit when rule NaluttamovA says so.

Back to it-enders .

206 letters. -- 9315morelabels.bse 91 -- popularity 9

52 Replacement is like original, except for letter-rules.

610 The start before /Jnit (is acute).

850 But if there is a @wordfinal !y !v before that first vowel, add !ai !au before the !y !v instead.

1161 /JNit means " /Jit or /Nit "

(/zit) (/zit)

zit is what has label z.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1156

Examples of zit affixes --

ez, zi, zI, zap, za, zyan, zAnac, zatR

Of those, ez zi zI have z to make rule anekAlzit work --

kR + liT ta liTidhA cakR + ta liTastajha cakR + e ikoyaNaci cakre

And zap, za, zyan, zAnac, zatR have z label so that tiGzit makes them hard. The hardness makes them get G label by hard apit is Git . That G makes puganta not work here --

kSip + za + tipkSipati

Rules iSugami, pvAdI, pAghrA work before zit affixes.

Back to it-enders .

309 letters. -- 9315morelabels.bse 101 -- popularity 10

(/ugit) (/ug)

ugit is what has an uk as label.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1157

The uk letters are u, R and others. Therefore, every udit is an ugit, and also every Rdit is an ugit.

Examples --

zatR is an ugit affix because it is Rdit

matup is an ugit affix because it is udit

vasu too is ugit

hasat(R)- is an ugit nounbase because it has zatR, which is Rdit (see yenavidhi)

hanumat(u)- is an ugit nounbase because it has matup, which is udit

ugit nounbases make ugidacA work --

hasat- + au ugidacA hasantau

hanumat- + am ugidacA hanumantam

The zatR enders and the matup enders behave mostly the same way before sup, the main difference being that atvasa will work when su is after matup --

hanumat + su atvasa hanumAts → .. → hanumAn

but not when su is after zatR --

hasat + suhasan

Careful with these two:

bhavat- ends in zatR, has label R, and means "that is"

bhavat- ends in vatup, has label u, and means "your honor" (see bhavatu-).

Back to it-enders .

640 letters. -- 9315morelabels.bse 121 -- popularity 7

421 /ugit (gets /GIp when [@f]).

1320 Some [@feminine]s get /GI

1392 /zatR getting /num before /zI /GI.

(/udit) (/udi)

udit is what has label u.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1158

As for instance, matup is udit, as well as pit.

And nounbase hanumat- is udit, because it comes from --

hanu- + matuphanumat-

And hanumantam got num because hanumat- is udit. As whatever is udit is also ugit, rule ugid;acA worked.

Rule aNudit explains the meaning of ku cu Tu tu pu, which are the letters k c T t p with a label u added.

Back to it-enders .

268 letters. -- 9315morelabels.bse 196 -- popularity 9

421 /ugit (gets /GIp when [@f]).

638 (Lengthen last vowel) of !s -enders and /mahat- when they got /num.

642 Non-@rootnoun {atu}-{as}-enders (lengthen their @nexttolast before non-@calling @strong /su).

805 After /udit root (/ktvA gets /iT) optionally

1242 /mahat- "big"

(/Ldit) (/Ld)

Ldit is what has label L.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1159

Some roots have L label, such as gam (aka gamL), and zak (aka zakL).

Back to it-enders .

62 letters. -- 9315morelabels.bse 214 -- popularity 2

203 /ad to /ghas before /luG and /san.

261 {puS}-class {dyut}-class and the /Ldit (get /aG) before @flat

(/Rdit) (/Rdi)

Rdit is what has label R.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1160

As for instance, zatR is Rdit, the z and the R are labels.

And nounbase hasat- is Rdit, because it has zatR --

has- + zap + zatRhasat-

Being Rdit makes ugidacA work --

hasat- m + amhasantam

Back to it-enders .

151 letters. -- 9315morelabels.bse 220 -- popularity 3

421 /ugit (gets /GIp when [@f]).

642 Non-@rootnoun {atu}-{as}-enders (lengthen their @nexttolast before non-@calling @strong /su).

1157 /ugit is what has an /uk as @label.

(/JNit) (/JN)

JNit means " Jit or Nit "mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1161

As for instance, aN is a JNit affix, and so is iJ. Being JNit and taddhita, both of these make taddhiteSva work.

Back to it-enders .

100 letters. -- 9315morelabels.bse 230 -- popularity 8

67 After /gAG and /kuTAdi what is not /JNit is /Git.

210 (/iG to) /gAG before /liT.

846 @Vowel to (/vRddhi) before /JNit.

847 @Nexttolast !a to (/vRddhi before /JNit).

852 /han to !ghat before (a /JNit) that is not /ciN nor /Nal.

853 {A}-enders get {y(uk)} before /ciN and (/JNit) /kRt.

861 !h of !han (to !gh) before /JNit and !n.

(/khit) (/khi)

khit is what has label kh.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1162

The affixes khaz and khal are khit.

This kh label makes rule arur;dviSa add mum in janamejaya- (see khaz).

Back to it-enders .

96 letters. -- 9315morelabels.bse 241 -- popularity 2

(/pit) (/pit)

pit is what has label p.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1163

These are pit affixes:

tip sip mip zap lyap

And whatever is not pit is apit. As for instance --

tas jhi za zyan yak

Back to it-enders .

101 letters. -- 9315morelabels.bse 261 -- popularity 21

(/Tit) (/Ti)

Tit is what has label T.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1164


The taddhita affix Tac has T to make TiDDhA work.

The T label of the six Tit tenses laT liT luT lRT leT loT makes rule Tita work.

The Tit augments like aT AT IT have T to make Adyantau work.

The label T of TA is just a tellaparter.

Back to it-enders .

200 letters. -- 9315morelabels.bse 272 -- popularity 5

45 @Sixth in a rule can mean "replace".

386 Replace /thAs with /se''' (in the /Tit tenses).

(/kit) (/kit)

kit is what has label k.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1165

And what does not have label k is akit.


(1) kta, ktvA, are clearly kit affixes.

(2) the mas in

kR + liT maskR + macakR + macakRma "we made"

is kit because rule asaMyogAlliTkit says so.

(3) The mas in

dviS + laT masdviSmas "we hate"

is akit because no rule says it's kit. It is Git by hard apit is Git , however.

Back to it-enders .

244 letters. -- 9315morelabels.bse 303 -- popularity 51

(/Git) (/Git)

Git is what has label G.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1166

What has label G is Git. And what doesn't, is aGit.


Ge, Gasi, Gas, Gi, caG, aG, yaG are clearly Git, because we can hear the G. These G are all labels because rule lazakva says so.

zyan, za, znu are always Git because rule hard apit is Git says so.

zap is not Git because no rule says it is.

tas mas ta AtAm etc are Git when they are hard.

(These are not hard when liTca or liGAziSi say so.)

tip sip mip are Git when they have replaced liG by yAsuTpa.

Back to it-enders .

359 letters. -- 9315morelabels.bse 330 -- popularity 52

(/kGit) (/kG)

kGit means " kit or Git ".mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1167

A kGit is what is kit or Git, ie what has label k or G.

Some of the rules that work before kGit root affixes --

kGitica makes several rules not work, such as hardsoft and puganta

an-iditAM hala:: upadhAyAH kGiti makes the M of sraMs disappear

grahijyA stretches some roots

These affixes are kGit because they carry k --

kta yak ktavatu ktvA

lyap (it always inherits k from ktvA)

za zyan (rule hard apit is Git always gives G to these)

These are kGit because they carry G --


These are kGit most of the time --

tas jhi AtAm jha. Because, most of the time, one of hard apit is Git or asaMyogAlliTkit works on them. But AtAm jha are not kGit in sasraMsAte sasraMsire "they fell".

Some affixes that are never kGit --



Back to it-enders .

571 letters. -- 9315morelabels.bse 370 -- popularity 33

the sup affixes ←

chunk 58: about labels

→ the tiG groups